This Time Is The Last | EXPLICIT

978 18 19

WARNINGS: SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, mentions of alcohol, drunk actions, drunk unprotected sex, possible CHEATING (Colby brings a date but fucks the reader), asshole!colby, toxic relationship/situationship, creampie, dominant!Colby, like ...

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WARNINGS: SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, mentions of alcohol, drunk actions, drunk unprotected sex, possible CHEATING (Colby brings a date but fucks the reader), asshole!colby, toxic relationship/situationship, creampie, dominant!Colby, like real dominant, choking, hair pulling, degrading, praising, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, angsty? filth

Word Count: 3.3k | unedited


"You know Colby's going to be there, right?" Jillian says, "Jake said they're all riding together and.." She pauses and you look up at her, "Colby's taking a girl, isn't he."

She nods and you roll your eyes, "Of course he is."

"Jake wanted me to warn you, he knows how.. volatile you two are." She laughs slightly and you look over at her, "I think, after tonight." You shrug, "This time is the last."

She tilts her head more, giving you a look, "You're not going to fuck him are you?"

You shrug, "I know I shouldn't, but.." you bite your lip as you smirk, "You know he can't stay away from me."

"Just like you can't stay away from him." Jillian mumbles as she stands up and you smirk at her, "It's Colby."

"It's Colby." She mocks you, "When are you going to realize that Colby is an asshole."

"He's not always an asshole." You argue and she snaps, shaking her head, "Um, no. None of that. You're going there to break everything off with Colby, y/n. You have a mission."

You knew that as soon as you physically seen Colby holding onto another girl like he used to you, you were going to get pissed.

Colby was yours.

"Yeah. Yeah, a mission."


As soon as you walk in, you go find the drink spot, each pouring yourselves a few shots before making a drink to go mingle.

You were on a mission to find your friend, basically to wish them a happy birthday, but along the way, you spot Colby for the very first time.

His around wrapped loosely around a brunettes waist. He was talking to Sam, so he didn't notice you, but the girl did - straightening up and clinging to Colby like she owns him.

You roll your eyes, laughing as you disappear into the crowd with Jillian. You end up finding Jake a few others.

"Holy shit. Look who left the house for once." Jake says as he reaches out, taking your hand to spin your around.

"That dress is fucking hot, y/n. Where did you get it?" Tara asks running her fingers over the sparky silver fabric, "I need one of these."

"Online. I'll send it to you later. Remind me!" You look at Sam and smirk, "Hi Sam." He smirks, eyes going up and down your body before he leans in, "Colby already hates that you wore that."

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