Sneaky Link | EXPLICIT

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Summary: just a little behind the scenes of Colby and reader keeping their relationship out of the spotlight

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Summary: just a little behind the scenes of Colby and reader keeping their relationship out of the spotlight.

Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, secret dating, secret texting, secret flirting, hair pulling, biting, scratching, choking, oral (both rec), use of 'good girl', unprotected sex, general filth

Word count: 3.7k | not edited

.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.

You feel your phone vibrate in your lap, glancing up at Colby and the smirk on his lips tells you exactly who the texts is from.

You look over at your friend sitting next to you, who's clearly deep in conversation with Sam, before flipping your phone over, you look so sexy in those jeans. They make your ass look so good.

You chew on the inside of your lip, fighting back a smirk as you type back, They'd look even better on the floor of one of our bedrooms.

You flip your phone back over and look up, joining in on the conversation as Colby reads your text, "Oh yeah, I've been to Paris this time of year. It's beautiful."

"Yeah?" Sam raises his brows, "Then I say.. we all buy a plane ticket, I'll book the hotel, and we take a trip to Paris."

"I'm so down for that." You nod, phone vibrating in your lap. As you go to flip your phone over, your friend next to you leans over, "Is he serious?"

You lay your phone back down quickly and look at her, "Who? Sam?"

She nods and you laugh, "Oh yes. Sam is very serious when it comes to planning trips. I bet he's already looking at hotels."

"Ah. Found one." He says leaning over to show Colby.

"Told ya." You smile and she nudges you with her elbow, "Why don't you go after Sam? You seem to know him pretty well."

You sigh, "I don't feel that way towards him." You look at her, "You know that."

She tilts her head, "Yeah, but I feel like you've been single forever, I think Paris would be the perfect time for you to find someone, you know? Get out there."

You roll your eyes, "I'm content with how my life is. I promise."

You've been secretly dating Colby for a few months.

You both are actually surprised that you've managed to keep your relationship secret for this long, almost five months to be exact.

You both agreed that you liked the privacy aspect of it, also because Colby doesn't want your name being drug through the mud for just being with him. He's saving you from that for as long as he can.

You both also agreed to not tell your friends just yet, because It keeps things exciting between the two of you. Kinda giving you both an adrenaline rush every time you try and sneak in a kiss or two when you get a few seconds alone.

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