Long Haired Lady

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It was a peaceful morning in the McCartney household. The sun beamed in through the windows, casting warm light on the room and illuminating the wooden floor. The house was quiet, save for the occasional chirp of a bird or rustle of a critter scurrying about outside.

Inside the bedroom, Paul lay in bed, wrapped in the warm embrace of his loving wife Linda. The two of them had stayed up late the night before, cleaning up the house and getting everything in order. As a result, they were both feeling pretty content with how things were looking.

But as happy as they were, Paul knew that their peaceful morning was not destined to last. It was time for him to rouse Linda and get their day started. Gently shaking her shoulder, he whispered in her ear, "Linda, honey, it's time to wake up."

Linda let out a small groan and sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her long, messy hair cascading down her back, and her eyes barely opened as she looked up at her husband.

With a smile, Paul softly replied, "Good morning, Linda." He leaned in closer and softly kissed her on the cheek, making sure not to wake her up more than necessary.

As Linda stumbled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth, Paul followed after her, still holding her hand. Together, they cleaned up and got ready for the day, their rhythm synchronized as if they had performed this dance a million times before.

Once they were both ready, they made their way to the kitchen, hand in hand, where they were greeted by the sweet smell of coffee brewing. With a smile, Paul gently tugged on Linda's hand, drawing her closer to him.

"What do you want to make, love?" he asked, hoping it was something nice or nutritional and not just a lazy Monday cereal.

"Crepes," Linda replied, her voice low and sleepy. Searching for a recipe book that would possibly contain crepes, she quickly found it and picked it up, flipping through its pages. As Linda gathered the ingredients needed, Paul couldn't help but smile. He loved this life they had built together, and he was grateful for every minute of it.Paul turned on the gas stove and watched as Linda poured the batter for the crepes into the hot pan. The smell of fresh crepes cooking filled the air, and Paul had to admit that it was one of his favorite morning scents.

As they flipped the crepes and added fresh fruits and whipped cream on top of them, Paul couldn't help but feel grateful for how far they had come together. It felt like just yesterday that they were living in a small flat in Liverpool, but now they had this beautiful home and a family of their own.

As they dug into the crepes, Paul turned to Linda and gave her a soft smile. "You know, I still can't believe we met at the Bag o' nails Club all those years ago," he said, taking a sip of coffee. "It feels like it was just yesterday, but at the same time, it feels like a lifetime ago."

Linda smiled back at him, her eyes full of love. "I know what you mean," she replied, reaching over to squeeze his hand. "But I'm glad that we found each other when we did. I can't imagine what my life would be like without you."

They finished their crepes in comfortable silence, knowing that they had each other and that they could face whatever challenges came their way. As they washed their dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, they joked and laughed, grateful for this peaceful morning together.

 As they washed their dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, they joked and laughed, grateful for this peaceful morning together

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