Rick's character

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Rick is 18. He has brown eyes and short spikey hair. He's the prince of Wonderland/Dimension Traveling Hero. He wears a blue hoodie and when the hoodie is on his whole face is covered in darkness and the only thing that shows are two magic yellow round cartoony glowing eyes, and when his hoodie is off, everything is normal.

On the back of his hoodie are two katana holsters, and on the side of his jeans are two pistol holsters. The pistols he carries are Glock 17s. Both holsters are custom-made. They have 2 magazine pouches attached to them. So all together he has six magazines with him. 4 in the pouches and 2 in the Glocks.

The hoodie and weapons are magical. So they're a part of him. The hoodie can form into his body when he doesn't want to use it, and it forms onto him when he wants to use it. The katanas and pistols are linked with the hoodie. So they can only appear on him when he's wearing the hoodie. When his weapon holsters appear on him, the area that they appear on starts to glow a bit, and then they finally appear on him.

He can control the hoodie telepathically. So if he wants the hoodie to go on, he just thinks it, and it goes on. It's not a very impressive power, but it's still cool when he has his hoodie on. The eyes change shape depending on the emotions he feels. So they don't just stay the same shape.

He's a very energetic and immature person. Fun is his whole thing. Act like an adult or act like a child. He prefers the second option. But he knows when it's time to act mature and take things seriously. He's trained in weapons and hand to hand combat. He's an idiot but he's a dangerous one, and he doesn't mess around when it comes taking down bad guys.

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