Chapter 2: Meeting yourself and stopping a nuke (Kinda)

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(B.D. Rick will be called R1 and Rick will be called R2)

R1 slowly stands up and backs away a bit from R2, who's looking at everything in the room. "Hmph, room is decent." R2 says and then looks back at R1. "Not too bad."

"'Sidekick?'" R1 asks with a confused look on his face. "Yes." R2 says with a quick nod. "I..." R1 doesn't know what to say or what to do. He's still processing that another him is standing in the room. "Firstly, what was with the..." R1 points at R2's jacket. "Hoodie thing... and the eyes." R2 claps his hands together. "Maaagic." R2 says with a big open mouth smile. "...Magic?" R1 asks, even more confused. "Ok, listen. I'm you from another dimension. I'm a prince of a place called Wonderland. But you know, that stuff can be a little boring, so I decided to become a hero. Traveling the multiverse and all that stuff, doing missions, saving people, and so on." R2 says. R1 eyes widen a bit, and he smiles a little. "So like... You're a superhero?" R1 asks in a slightly excited tone. "Uh..." R2 does a so-so gesture with his right hand. "Yeah, I mean... I guess you could say superhero." R2 says. "Woah. That's so cool. Do you have like a sword or something?" R1 asks, getting more and more excited.

R2 stands there for about a second before his weapon holsters start to appear on him. R1 watches as the weapon holsters magically start to appear on R2, but once they finally appear and are in physical form, he gets a confused and slightly shocked look on his face, when he sees the guns, holsters. "...You have guns?" R1 asks in a slightly concerned tone. R2 looks at his gun holsters and then looks back at R1. "Uh... Yeah. Glock 17s. I got these holsters custom made, so there's two mag pouches attached to each one. Cool, huh?" R2 asks, hoping R1 will agree with him. "...You kill people?" R1 asks.

R2's smile slowly fades away. "Um... Yeah, but... Only when necessary." R2 says with his eyes, looking to the side a bit. "Wait, so you're like vigila-" R1 gets cut off by R2. "No, I'm not a- Listen, I don't like to talk about this specific subject." R2 tells R1 is a serious tone. R1 stays silent for a couple of seconds, realizing that he should just change the subject fast before this guy might do something. "Why did you come for me...? Specifically." R1 asks and then takes a small step forward. R2 sighs, still a little upset about the previous subject, but he tries to ignore it. "You're Base Rick." R2 tells R1. "'Base-' What?" R1 asks.

"You're the original." R2 says and then pauses for a second. "As in 'thee original'." R2 says with emphasis. "Wait, so the Multiverse is actually a thing?" R1 asks. R2 nods. "And I'm the original." R1 says and then places his hand on his chest and pats it a couple of times. R2 nods again. "Wait, if dimension traveling is a thing, how come no one ever traveled here before?" R1 asks. R2 sits on the next to him and twiddles his thumbs.

"...You see now." "Yeah...?" R1 gets ready to hear what R2 is going to explain to me. R2 sighs. "Traveling here to Base Dimension is what you call... Illegal. It's literally impossible to be able to travel here. But I got this scientist Felix, and he knows his stuff, and by that, I mean he really really knows his stuff." R2 says.

R1 is a bit confused. "Wait, but wouldn't the other smart people in the multiverse be able to do the same?" R2 lies on his back and gets comfortable on the bed. "Not every dimension has discovered dimension traveling. There's people in those dimensions that know what it is, but they'll never experience it unless they get a D.T. crystal." R2 explains to R1. "...D.T crystal?" R2 sits up straight on the bed again and then looks at R1. "Dimension Traveling Crystal... And before you ask. No, you can't just buy one or find it. No one knows where they come from. All we know is that when they get damaged, they start teleporting to random dimensions.

The fragments, not the whole crystal, no one's ever seen a whole D.T crystal." R2 tells R1. R1 nods slightly, taking that all in. "Ok... Anything else you have to tell me?" R1 asks. R2 stands up from the bed and faces R1 again. "I'll explain more as we carry on." R2 tells R1 who just stands there looking confused at what he just said.
"Carry on with what?" R2 asks. "Training." R1 tells him and then turns around and starts walking around the room, looking at all the things R1 has. "Woah, woah, woah." R1 walks up to him, grabs him by his shoulder, and turns him around. "What do you mean 'training?'" R1 asks.

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