Chapter 48

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5 years later...

The crowd cheers as Loki staggers towards the area the arena, to take on his next challenger.

The crowd cheers as Loki staggers towards the area the arena, to take on his next challenger

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"Here he is folks. Your God of Mischief....LOKI!"

Finishing off his bottle, he tosses it off to the side and steps into the area with raised arms.

"Say my name!" Loki shouts as he looks into the crowd.


"Say my name!"




Loki closes his eyes and takes everything for a moment as the crowd chants him name. After a minute he slowly brings his fingers to his lips, quieting the crowd.

"Now." He pauses for a moment to unsheathe his sword and points is towards the crowd. "What unfortunate soul dares to challenge me today?"

"That would be me." Thor says as he steps into the area. "Hello, brother."

"What are you doing here?" Loki sneers as he points his sword at Thor.

"I've come to bring you home."

"I have no home ." Loki says as he charges forwards and starts attacking. Thor doesn't strike back, but easily blocks Loki's attacks.

"We need your help."

"You must truly be desperate to come to me for help."

"There might be a chance we could undo everything Than-"

Loki cuts off Thor and strikes harder. "Don't say that name!"

"Please, stop this and listen." Thor pleads. "I know that guy might scare you..."

"Why would I be scared of that guy. I'm the one who killed him, remember?"

"I get it you're in a rough spot. You're in pain."

"YOU KNOW NOTHING OF MY PAIN!" Loki shouts as he blasts Thor back with his magic. "Why don't you just ask your precious Avengers...the ones that are left anyway!"

"The team thinks we can bring them back." Thor strains as he sits up.

"Stop! Just stop, okay?" Loki charges at Thor again. "I know you think I'm here wallowing in my own self pity. But I'm fine. So what ever you're thanks!"

"Please Loki. We need you. Rhiannon needs you..."

Loki freezes his movements upon hearing her name giving Thor a chance to knock him back with a small lightening strike, sending Loki to the other side of the arena. The crowd starts booing at Thor as a result.

Was it possible? Could he really bring her back?

Thor walks over to Loki and offers him a helping hand. Loki gives Thor a small smile as he grabs his hand.

"When do we start?"


Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now