Serious Talk

408 44 18

Author pov.

It is the most awkward day for Sean. He is avoiding Wangji at all costs. But his brat is too blind to see that Sean is awkward and trying to ignore him.

Since the Morning, Wangji has been very energetic. Wangji is hopping here and there like a little bunny.

And the most embarrassing and awkward moment that happens in the morning. When Sean was peeing, Wangji banged in his bathroom, like Wangji's own room. And more awkward thing was that Wangji smiled sheepily and commented.

"Nice dick." And he fucking winked at him. Sean doubted if he was still drunk right now.

Sean kicked Wangji out of his bathroom. And cover his dick.

"My poor buddy, Sorry you have to see this. My poor buddy's pride."

Sean dramatically pats his dick like he is trying to console his Seanconda.🤣🤣🤣 or maybe trying to console himself...

Now they all are eating their breakfast. Everyone has a headache except Sean & Wangji. Wangji is energetic today. All were wondering what happened that made Wangji so happy.

"Jie!! Can I go outside?" Asked Wangji with a cute pleasing face.

Sean diverted toward Wangji and his invisible Bunny ear stood up.

"hmm ok but why tho?"  asked Yanli suspiciously.

Before Wangji can utter anything. Sean's phone rang. It was an urgent call, Everyone was silent, Sean picked up the call but a few seconds later, he slammed his phone on the floor, breaking it into pieces.

Sean's jaw clenched, his fist tightened and his eyes screamed only rage.

Wangji is flinched at the sudden reaction. It was the first time, he saw Sean like this. He wonders what might happen. He is even more scared for the person that was the cause of Sean's rage.

"A-Sean, what's happened?" asked Yanli but Sean was not in the state to utter anything.

He took his keys and moved out, without looking at Anyone.

Yanli looked worried about his brothers. Yuchen put his hand around her shoulder and said.
"It's okay. They will tell us if something occurs. Don't worry." Yanli nodded his head


An injured man is running to save himself. He thought he was safe, but it was just his imagination. He sat on the surface, he was out of breath. But sooner his peacefulness didn't stay longer. Around 6 cars come there and block his way, there is no way to skip.

A tall handsome man comes out from a black Bugatti car

"What a surprise to meet you here!" he looks psycho, as his eyes scream murder.

"Plew-ple********** ah"

A body is lying lifeless there, he stares at the dead body with an annoyed face.

"Let my pet enjoy his meal." uttered the handsome man.

Sooner a tiger, looking hungry comes out from a van.
They present the dead body of the man, and the hungry tiger eats his meal. The scenes were so horrifying for normal people but not for monsters. They have a heart of stones.

"Clean this shit after my pet meal!" The man uttered with a wicked smirk. The other one nodded and went back.

The tall handsome man enters inside his car.
"The game is starting now!! You will not be able to win, even if you stay in another world too."

And then the car starts.
Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!!


"What were you all doing? Is this a joke to all of you? Where were you all? I told you to keep an eye on him but shiyaa!!!" Sean throws the item, that keeps on the desk.

The present men are scared of Sean's aura. Sean is a very friendly person until it is something related to his business or family.

"We-aa-re sorry S-sir" uttered a man but Sean was too angry to hear him, he ordered them to go and search for the man.

As soon as his cabin becomes less crowded. He sat down on his seat and message his forehead.

"Why things are getting worse each day?!" he sighed loudly, he heard a notification on his phone. He opened it and saw his twin brother's message.

"Sean, We need to talk urgently, Meet me at our usual place."

Sean was a little anxious, what might happen? What is the urgent matter?

He called his assistant and told him that he was going to his some work. Cancel all the meetings today and fix it when he told him. Assistant nodded and flew out instantly, it was dangerous for him to stay in the lion's den for more than 20 seconds.

A black limbo arrived in front of the tallest building. It is a marvellous sight to see. But Not for everyone. Sean came out of his car and moved toward the building.

He ignores the greeting of employees present there and moves toward the CEO's cabin.

"Gege! What happens? Are you okay? Did something happen there? Is she okay? Is she hurt somewhere? Why do you immediately want to meet me?" Sean bombed him with Questions.

"Sean, be Quiet. She is okay now. Someone secretly sneaks there and injects the drug into her body. But with the help of a healer, she is fine and recovering. And" utter Wuxian and then he stopped for a while.

Sean is relieved that his baby is saved and making progress but he frowns at Wuxian's last word.

"And what, gege? " he asked with confusion. Instead of answering, he gave a letter.

Sean took the letter and read it. "Give us her. Don't you remember, how we killed your mate mercilessly? Till now you wouldn't find his body. Now I got to know, you bought another and let him stay with you. What if that boy will not stay in this world? You should not forget what will happen if you guys do not agree with me. Then Only bloodshed. If you want to repeat the history, then do. I will not hesitate to kill that boy and take that girl with us. This time, I will get it! You can't stop me anymore. Hahahahha!!!!!"

Sean was burning with rage.

"How dare they threaten us?"

"Sean, control. This is not the right time. Let's think and plan to come out from this problem." Wuxian calmly uttered. Sean gazed at his brother and then uttered.

"Gege, I want to meet her. Maybe I will not come home either. So take care of everyone." Wuxian nodded with a proud expression as he gazed at his brother.

They discussed some serious matters with each other. The room's aura was so intense that it could burn a normal being if they entered there.

"Gege, Is this decision already? Going back there were only bad memories have?" Sean asked worriedly

Wuxian nodded and said casually
"When are we gonna stop dodging that place? We gotta deal with it someday. Come on, Sean, let's face it for the sake of our crew."

Sean acknowledged the challenge ahead but was determined to overcome it. He knew that with hard work and perseverance, he and his team could succeed.



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