First Period

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This chapter is going to be long one.  This content will be not liked by many people. So feel free to leave from here.  Now enjoy reading ~~


As the day drew to a close and the sky turned into a deep shade of blue, Wuxian finally arrived at his humble abode, exhausted from the day's work. However, he was alone, as his companion Sean had left to attend to some other business.

Upon entering the house, Wuxian was greeted by an eerie silence that filled the air. The only sound that he could hear was the faint ticking of the clock on the wall. As he walked through the dimly lit hallway, he could see that every room in the house was enveloped in darkness, indicating that everyone had already retired for the night. The stillness of the night was only interrupted by the occasional hoot of an owl outside, which only added to the overall sense of tranquillity.

As he walked down the hallway, a faint cry caught his attention. He quickened his pace and followed the sound until he reached Wangji's room. His heart raced as he wondered what could have caused such distress. As he cautiously pushed open the door, he was met with the sight of Wangji, his once beautiful face now swollen and puffy from crying. Streaks of tears were evident on his cheeks, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the sight.

"What's happening, Wangji? Why are you crying?"

Wangji's face turned towards Wuxian, his eyes welled up with tears and his cries grew louder. He took quick strides towards Wuxian and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. Through his sobs, he uttered barely audible words.

"I am going to die, Wuxian."

Upon hearing those few words, Wuxian was taken aback. His mind was flooded with countless thoughts and questions. Did Wangji receive some kind of message? What exactly was happening here? Despite his racing thoughts, Wuxian knew that jumping to conclusions without concrete information would be unwise. He decided to reserve judgment until he had more information. After all, his assumptions could be wrong and he didn't want to make any hasty decisions based on incomplete information.

As he noticed Wangji's tears streaming down his face, he gently placed his hand on his back and asked,
"What do you mean, Wangji?"
His comforting touch seemed to calm Wangji down, and he was able to regain control over his emotions.


Wuxian was left baffled by the incomprehensible words that were spoken to him. He couldn't decipher the language that was being used. He wondered if the youngster he was speaking with, was learning a new language.

"I'm sorry, Wangji. Could you please explain it in simpler terms? I'm having a hard time understanding."

Wangji acquiesced by nodding his head, resembling a well-behaved child. Wuxian couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at the sight of Wangji, who looked incredibly adorable and huggable with his fluffy demeanour.

"I-a-m ble-eding. I don't know what happening. But I am bleeding from my bottom. I wipe the blood but it is not stopping. Uwuu... I am going to die. Help me Gege"

As Wuxian was consoling Wangji, a realization dawned on him. He recollected the conversation he had with the doctor earlier, who had informed him that Wangji's womb was now reproductive, which meant that he would experience menstruation. Wuxian breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this was a normal bodily process. He looked at Wangji, who was wiping away tears, and knew that he had to explain this to him. However, he was aware that it could be difficult to convey the details of the menstrual cycle to Wangji, but he felt that it was important for Wangji to understand as it was his body that was going through this experience.

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