Lan Zhan died (T-5)

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Author pov.

The cunning Demon World has been eagerly awaiting this long-anticipated moment. The barrier that had once held them captive has finally been broken, signifying the impending destruction of the Immoral World. Right from the beginning, the Demon World has harbored deep-seated hatred for the Immoral World.

After the Demon King was imprisoned in a mysterious red box, the demons were consumed by seething rage, unable to launch an assault due to the protective barrier. However, now the time has come for them to exact their revenge. It seems that the tables have turned, as the people of the Immoral World will soon face the repercussions of their actions.

The second-in-command of the Demon World is now meticulously preparing his people for the inevitable war. They have also uncovered the identity of the individual responsible for breaking the barrier, further fueling their determination to unleash their full wrath upon the Immoral World.

Wangji took Shinxu in his arms and ran toward the palace. He has to reach fast otherwise the worst incident will occur. But maybe his luck is not with him. He fell and a huge stone trapped his legs. He cried in pain and tried to free himself. He looked at Shinxu who was also sobbing, and chanting his name.

'If I don't save myself then it's fine but Shinxu should be saved. The demon world can come at any time.' Lan Zhan thought. He instantly uttered.

"Shinxu, Run toward the palace. Please, honey!!"

"Lan Zhan gege, I-"

"Please baby run... And don't turn your face here whatever happens, run toward the palace. Fast baby."

Shinxu unwillingly runs, she doesn't want to leave her gege alone. Lan Zhan is like her family, even though they don't have any blood relation but he is like her big brother who protects her all the time.

The innocent girl ran toward the palace with the leftover energy she had. The Wei Twins are commanding the soldiers until their eyes fall on Shinxu, who runs toward them and hugs them instantly.

"Shinxu, Are you okay kid?"

Even though Lan Zhan covered her, she still got hurt and also she fell many times while running. She nodded her head multiple times.

"Where is Lan Zhan?" Wuxian asked with concerns

"At that forest-" Before she could utter a vast fireball fell on the ground. It's surprised everyone. And there they saw the demon World but there was someone else with them, which they never expected.

It was Ming!!

The betrayer cheats his world people. The twin brother's jaws tightened. Wei Couples were also shocked by this unexpected scene.

"You rascal, You dare to betray us!!" Yelled Wuxian in rage.

The Meng smirks and utters,
"You little Rats deserve."


"Aish, I am not here for a drama. Give us this girl and the mysterious red box." The Second-in command demon uttered annoyingly.

Twin brothers securely covered the girl behind them. Their eyes burn with hate and rage.

"Over our death." They uttered angrily.

"If that's what you want." The commander uttered nonchalantly, he didn't give a fuck to them. They only want the freedom of Their King, nothing more. This melodrama is not their cup of tea nor do they want to interfere with their family issues.

Sooner the Demon Soldiers run to attack them. On the other side, Wei Males along with their soldiers attack on demon.

Shinxu was taken away by Yanli and Wei Cangse Sanren in a safe place. They are also worried about Lan Zhan.

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