Trade Shot #3 - "Jerking It Out" - Lucky x OC! (*SMUT*)

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"God, Lucky, it's like talking to a brick wall with you! Could you at least listen to what I have to say?"

"Just drop it! I've already told ya, we're not talking about this."

Lucky stomps away from his partner, E, to find something to create the illusion that he was too busy to speak with her, anything. He, in the previous moment, had seemed to be void of work, but as soon as E raised a topic of conversation that made him uncomfortable, it was suddenly, 'I need to go check on the clones, need to make sure the security cameras were up, need to patrol the entrance for intruding mortals', etcetera. But it was all too obvious the rabbit was mad at her. She knew him by heart, she wasn't daft.

But E doesn't stop following him. "I don't get why it's so hard for you to just talk to me! I mean, we've been together for this
long and you're treating me like I'm this stranger?"

"Look, I've got a job to do, okay? Go find someone else to bother. That's an ORDER." Lucky angrily retaliates, puffing the cigarette stick in between his fingers like a hot air balloon. Opening up to people was never his strongsuit, it's in his programming to be a narcissistic, cold-hearted killing machine. But this was different. This was his partner that he'd been with for years he was talking to, and if you knew E, you'd know she doesn't take any disrespect from anyone.

"You always act like such a big baby. How's that smoke treatin' ya? Think that's more important than talking to your girlfriend?"

"Least I can get some fuckin' peace with this thing 'ere than I do with you nagging in my ear like a bitch," Cue his response to her.

This seemed to piss her off entirely, E painting a look of shock on her face. You could then see it twist into that of rage, her balling her shaking fists at her sides.

"What did you just call me? What the actual fuck did you just call me?"

The rabbit knew she was sensitive and took this to his advantage, no matter how close they were, his code said what his code said. Still, she wished he'd have been a little more respectful towards her as his lover, even if he was angry about something and was insistent on pushing her away.

Lucky stares daggers at her, folding his arms and putting on a demonic grin. When he looked at her, he saw the mortal that was scared, afraid, just downright puny, which levered his ego a lot. Even if he was being his usual shitty self, she found the name-calling completely childish and disrespectful. She was his partner, not his enemy!

She presses her gloved fingers against her nose in frustration. "You know what? Fine. Don't say a thing to me, then. Since I'm such a bitch for just wanting to talk, you can just keep suckin' on that shit. Hopefully it frys your circuits to ashes. I'm leaving."

"Like I've been asking you to fuckin' do all along? Yeah, thanks for that," He lazily waves at her before trotting off to the research and development area. E stomped right to her bedroom, slammed the door, and muffled her face directly into her pillow so harshly it suffocated her. After a few solemn seconds, she flips her body around, gripping the white cushion and staring into her ceiling light.

Fuck, why'd he have to act like that? Why'd he call her names when she was just trying to chat with him? Why couldn't he be more open? She was so damn mad at herself for not knowing the answer to these questions. Programming and the code bullshit wasn't a good enough excuse for her, his friends Hangry and Penny were also wired down to kill people like her, yet they still found the decency to treat her with respect. She can still feel the way her heart throbbed in pain when he name-dropped her. Fucking loser. She wanted to strangle him.

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