Trade Shot #4 - 'Goin' Sky High' - *NSFW*

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"Chop chop, fellas! It ain't that hard to screw up some pipes! Numba' four, go check if the carriers are workin'! Come on, move it!"

The ringleader of his clones, Lucky, (the original) bellowed at his underlings to fix up the production factory. After their last encounter with a mortal, whom had managed to spite the Joy Joy Gang enough to turn them into JoyKill, caused them to destroy most of the area in favor of taking them out. And with the help of E, who's known to have a fond relationship with Lucky, that mortal and their remains were no where to be found. Or one could ask Hangry if they were really curious.

"On it, boss!" The clone in reference called out. He then looks at his hand, and his mouth gapes open when he notices it's empty. He then glances at yet another clone
besides it, who was stupidly using the saw to scratch his fur.

He forces a smile. "Hey, buddy, I think that's my tool you got there."

"What? No, see, y'got it all wrong! This here is a back scratcha'," He scrapes it against his behind for emphasis. "See that? Does the job perfectly."

"You imbecile, that ain't no back scratcha'! That's a saw, and I need it to fix the leaky pipes! And your hair's fallin' off!"

"Oh yeah? Then I guess you'll have to bother anotha' rabbit, 'cause this one's for keeps."

"Motherfuc- You and your 5 brain cells! Just give me the shit!"

The angry rabbit had landed a particularly harsh blow on the other's face, him crouching on his knees in pain. It wasn't long before he had gotten up and kicked his assaulter between his legs, him stumbling back against the railing as a response. The mini battle had distracted the tons of other busy rabbits from their work, and every single one of them cheered on the fight.

"Yeah, mop the floor with his ass, Lucky!"

"Lucky, get off the floor, you can still murder that bitch!"

It was then that the fourth clone had smacked the tool out of the other's hand and picked him up, chucking him straight into the molten steel below the platform. A faint yell was heard before a wet 'plop' signified his death, and the gravity of it all
caused some magma to shoot up, sizzling as the entire factory went bright for a second.

The clones 'ooh-ed' in astonishment. The boss, however, seemed even more pissed off, and screamed at his duplicates to get back to work. Fearful, they immediately went back to their duties, and the one who just murdered the blissfully ignorant soul also did as asked as if nothing happened.

Stressed out, the leader twitches his nose. As much as he wanted to harm some of them, he didn't want to know what Malak would even do to him if he found out he was taking out his army - the army he needed for the soon to be war against other elite evils. He decides to leave them and take a walk elsewhere, being back in time to make sure no more outbursts occur.

During this event, a stray Lucky clone had been oogling at E, her mindlessly strolling knowing her partner had work to do. Like a mouse, he followed her quietly, ensuring not one footstep of his was heard by her or any other Luckys that may have also been trying to escape their chores. He didn't want a repeat of what happened last time where his boss nearly killed him after another clone told him about his touchy-feely behavior.

Which is why this time, he swore to himself he wouldn't get caught.

"Hiya, Dollie!"

E jumped, not expecting his sudden appearance. "Hey! Um...Lucky? You aren't the real Lucky, are you?"

"Sure, guess y'could say that, but..." He gestures to all of himself. "I've got all the qualities of him! Heh, maybe even betta' ones!"

Seriously doubting that right now.

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