She forgets to cover up her hickeys

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You slowly open your eyes and see the morning light peeking through the curtains. You glance at the clock on the wall.


You groan as you stretch and rub your eyes and as you're doing that, you feel something on your forehead. You go to feel what it was and it was a piece of paper taped to your forehead. You giggle over how cute Taylor is. You pull it off your forehead and read it.

I tried to wake you up so I could say bye and give you a kiss before my 9am meeting, but you muttered something about chicken tenders and grabbed my boob while pushing me away. It makes sense you're still tired because, well, we kept each other up most of the night ;) You're adorable. Anyways, I'll be home around eleven. I love you baby!

P.S. You grabbing my boob turned me on so you better be prepared for what's coming when I get home.


Warmth filled your cheeks when she referenced to last night. You tried on some new lingerie for her and, well, it's safe to say she loved it because you both were up until 2am loving each other and exploring every inch of each others bodies.

The last sentence made you laugh. Taylor was an absolute horndog, but you loved it. You could playfully wink at her and she'd rip your clothes off and fuck you until you could barely walk straight.

You reached for your phone and opened it to see 3 texts from Tree and 6 texts from Taylor. Oh god.

I'm going to kill you.

Then I'll resurrect you.

And kill you again.

Normally you'd giggle at Tree's antics, but she only says stuff like this when she's either extremely irritated or when Taylor spills the beans on something you two were trying to keep private.

The last time this happened was when Taylor accidentally announced your engagement during her acceptance speech for Album Of The Year at the Grammys. You both hadn't even told Tree yet. She referred to you as her fiancée instead of her girlfriend. Tree almost fainted and the media went crazy.

You wrack your brain trying to figure out what you or Taylor did to make Tree say this. I mean, at least the texts she sent this time weren't as bad as the lecture you both got after the accidental engagement announcement. At times you considered telling Taylor to give Tree a vacation or a raise.

You open the texts from Taylor.

Girl with a nice ass 🥰

Girl with a nice ass 🥰
I forgot to cover up the dark hickeys you gave me last night and everybody in the conference room, including my MOM AND DAD, saw them. I'm going to get you back so hard.

Girl with a nice ass 🥰
Oh, and Austin saw them too and now he won't stop teasing me about it.

Oh fuck. Now neither you or Taylor are ever going to hear the end of it. To this day, Austin still won't shut up about Taylor spilling the beans at the Grammys.

Girl with a nice ass 🥰
I do have to admit that the look on Tree's face was priceless when she saw them. I laughed and she scolded me for it lol.

Girl with a nice ass 🥰
Anyways, the meeting ended early. I'll be home soon. I love you pretty girl.

Girl with a nice ass 🥰
Since you were still naked this morning, stay that way. I plan on getting right to work when I see you.

As you start laughing while imagining the look on everyone's face, you heard the front door open and close. You could hear Taylor running up the stairs and once she appeared in the doorway, you burst out laughing at how noticeable the hickeys were.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry baby, but they are very noticeable."

She takes off her shoes and slowly walks towards you, taking her shirt off in the process. "We'll see how long you'll be laughing like that babygirl." She hops on the bed and sits on top of you, straddling you.

Your breath catches in your throat as she leans down and kisses your neck. She starts nibbling and sucking your skin on many different spots, smoothing each spot over with her tongue before moving onto the next. She then sits up and looks at her handiwork. At least six dark purple hickeys took their place on your neck.

"There. Now we're matching." She giggles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before leaning back down to kiss you.

You break the kiss. "Well, not really. I'm still naked and you're not." You smirk and boop her nose, knowing that something as simple as that probably just turned her on.

She winks at you as she gets off you and strips herself of the rest of her clothes, including her bra and panties. She gets on the bed, gets back on top of you, and places on hand in your hair and one on your waist.

She leans down and captures your lips in a passionate kiss, sliding her tongue across your bottom lip wanting access that you willingly grant.

"I love you." You whisper in between kisses.

"I love you more." She whispers back in between kisses.

She moves her lips to your neck again and you lightly moan as she starts to move lower.

For the next few hours, you and Taylor continue to get lost in one another and show just how much you love each other.

She is yours and you are hers, until the end of time.


Debating on whether or not I should make a part 2 hehe

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