You need her but she's on tour

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Just a cute, short imagine for you guys :)


Taylor has been on her Reputation Stadium Tour for a few months now and it's been hard to say the least, considering this has been the longest you two have been apart.

You were going to go surprise her last month, but something came up at work and you couldn't leave.

Then you were going to go surprise her last week, but your boss is an asshole who thinks a work life balance isn't important.

You got home one night after an extremely hard day at work. Your boss forced another project on you even though he knew you were dealing with, what felt like, ten million other work-related things and the colleague you can't stand said some things about you and Taylor that made you extremely uncomfortable and almost lash out. You wanted to report it, but your boss is an ass who simply doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself.

You just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. The only thing that brought you comfort after a hard day was a hug and a kiss from your girlfriend. She would wrap her arms around you, tell you how much she loves you, and make you laugh with her jokes.

It was at that moment when you realized just how much you missed her and needed her here with you. You slid down the wall and sat on the floor sobbing. You pull out your phone and tap on Taylor's contact info. You always tried to not call her because she could be busy and you didn't want to disturb her, but in that moment you didn't care. You needed her.

You press the call button and it rings a few times before she picks up.

"Hey baby!"

"Tay..." You whimper and try not to make it obvious that you're crying, but it's no use as you break down once you've said her name.

"Y/n what's going on? Are you okay?" Her voice is full of concern as she worries that something bad happened to you.

You go on to tell her about your day and how work has been the past couple months. It took a little longer than normal considering you were choking out sobs.

"I'm so sorry baby. You are the most hardworking, smart girl I know and for your boss to undermine your skills is beyond me. Why don't you quit your job and join me for the rest of the tour?"

"Tay, you know I can't quit."

"Baby, if you're worried about being able to have a full income source and support yourself, you know I got you. You're my best friend and girlfriend all in one and I love you so so much. I'll be here every step of the way. You'll always have my full love and support." Her voice is full of love and sincerity. You can easily tell that she's smiling.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to think I'm just using you." Once again, you try to keep the tears at bay but damnit it's not working.

"Y/n we've been together for almost three years. I know you're not using me. You're the love of my life and I'd do anything to make sure you're happy and loved."

You start to cry again. How the hell is she so perfect?

"Okay, I'll quit. My boss can just suck it up and hand the shit I was doing to someone else. I'll email him tonight and tell him I'm done." You take some deep breaths and you feel your tears stop.

"He doesn't need to suck it up, he needs to suck a fat one."

"Taylor!!" You laugh out loud. Leave it to your girlfriend to make you laugh when you're struggling.

You can hear her adorable laugh over the phone. You could listen to it all day and never be sick of it.

"I love you, Tay. I'll see you in a couple days." You smile and shed some happy tears because you'd get to see her again after a few months of being apart.

"I love more, baby. I can't wait to see you." You can hear the love and admiration in her voice.

"Bye, Tay."

"Bye, my love."

You hang up and immediately run upstairs to your shared bedroom to pack. You made sure to pack a few sexy outfits because, well, some nights you were incredibly horny and missed being intimate with Taylor.

Right after you finish packing, you email your boss. After pressing send, you breathe a sigh of relief. After five years of tolerating the bullshit you went through at the job, you were done.

Later that night, you went to bed and fell asleep thinking about your beautiful girlfriend and how excited you were to finally be in her arms again.

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