She looks happier pt 2

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happy ending?? what's that??

jk jk i'm not giving any spoilers 🤭


"We need to talk." Taylor says as she sits down on your couch. You sigh and rub your temples. Out of all days for her to show up and want to talk, it happened to be day you weren't in the best mood.

"Yes we do." You sit down a couple feet from her and Selena sits on the chair across from the couch.

"First off, I'm sorry for letting you walk away. I should've done more to resolve things every time we had an argument instead of ignore the tension that was building up every time we had a fight." She nervously plays with her fingers. Her apology did seem sincere, but you weren't going to give in that easily.

"I need to be honest, Taylor. I'm sorry if this sounds rude at all, but I need to get it out." You pause to collect yourself. You didn't want to cry. She looks up at you and nods, urging you to continue.

"Every single time I walked out after a fight, I always told you I was going to go for a drive, clear my head, and that I'd be back in a bit. I'd come back with a clear mind, ready to communicate with you and resolve things so we could be okay. But that would never happen. Why? Because you were asleep in our room every time. You never once waited for me. It was a clear sign that you didn't care if I came back. I'd go to the guest room and cry because I felt like you didn't care that we were falling apart. We were losing each other and I tried to get things back to the way they were, but you were so wrapped up in your own world to even care. Remember the times that you walked out after a fight to clear your head? I waited up until you got home so we could talk. I cared that you came back. But you know what would happen every time? You'd shut me out. You would pull some random excuse, go to our room, and go to bed." I pause to wipe away the tears that were falling down my cheeks. I glance at Taylor and can see that she's starting to cry too.

"Those times that I finally got the chance to talk to you, you'd tell me that I'm just being ridiculous and that it was fine and not a big deal. Fuck I know walking out after every fight sounds immature, but I only did that so I could clear my head and not fully snap and say something that could hurt you beyond repair. Why? Because I still cared about your feelings and your mental well being." You sniffle and wipe your eyes again.

She scoffs. "Y/n I did wait up for you whenever you left to clear your mind."

"Did you really? Well it sounds like you probably just gave up halfway through instead of waiting for you to get home safe despite how tired you were. Unlike you, I sat downstairs and waited even though I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep." You were so close to exploding, but you held back.

She takes a deep breath as if she's composing herself. "Y-y/n I don't even know what to say. I-"

You cut her off. "Of course you don't. However, the only thing you knew what to say is tell me how ridiculous, immature, ignorant, childish, and every other hurtful word in the damn dictionary I was being."

Her phone buzzes from a text and she glances at it. You see a smile appear on her face as she opens it to reply. "I hate to cut this short, but Travis is going to be at my house in twenty minutes so I should go."

You laugh. "You hate to cut this short? I haven't heard a lie that big since the day you told me you'd always fight for me and love me forever. Have fun with your boy toy."

"Whatever." Taylor mutters before rolling her eyes, getting up off the couch. She opens the door and walks out.

The moment she disappears from your sight, you burst into tears. Selena sits next to you and brings you into your arms, rubbing your back.

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