The Chameleon's Crime Spree

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The Chameleon, disguised as a male police officer, decides to commit her first crime in Florida by robbing the local bank. Equipped with a pistol, she breaks into the building, threatening to shoot everyone present!

Chameleon (Disguised): HANDS UP! THIS IS A ROBBERY!

The bank teller, Wade Ripple, was shocked to see a police officer trying to rob a bank.

Wade: Oh no! A cop gone rogue!

Chameleon (Disguised): That's right! Now give me your money!

Wade, too afraid to let him and his customers get shot by a police officer, reluctantly opens the vault. The Chameleon grabs all the money and escapes.

Wade: Oh boy. What have I done?!

Meanwhile, Zhen was walking around Downtown, trying to figure out what the heck's going on, when the news came on at a local electronics store.

Zhen: Huh? What's this?

Tiffany Fluffit: Hello citizens. This is Tiffany Fluffit with some breaking news! An evil police officer has committed a series of grave crimes in the Floridian city of Sarasota! He has successfully robbed a bank, vandalized the beach home of Charlie Morningstar and her girlfriend Vaggie, and pickpocketed various stuff from many people!

Suddenly, she sees The Chameleon in her police disguise.

Tiffany: Wait! IT'S HIM!

The Chameleon then grabs the microphone from Tiffany.

Chameleon (Disguised): That's right Tiffany! I'm running this city now!

Zhen takes a closer look at the officer's eyes and notices that they were glowing blue. That was when she realized that it was The Chameleon in disguise.


Chameleon (Disguised): And Zhen, if you're seeing this, YOU HAVE ONE HOUR TO MEET ME AT THE PARK BY RINGLING BRIDGE, OR THIS CITY WILL PERISH!

The Chameleon then kicks the camera, causing the TV to go into static mode.

Zhen: Oh no. OH NO! The Chameleon is back and she's gonna destroy this city if I don't do something about it! What am I gonna do?!

Zhen starts to panic until she sees an inspirational poster which featured Rosie the Riveter saying "We Can Do It!" Inspired, she takes out the staff given to her by Po, thinks for a moment, and ultimately decides to fight The Chameleon.

Zhen: Okay. I'm gonna go do it!

She then heads off to the Ringling Bridge Causeway Park, determined to defeat The Chameleon once and for all.

To Be Continued...

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