After the wedding

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On the wedding Tim and Lucy are slow dancing.

T- Clearly I'm more conflicted about you working undercover than I realize.
L- It's understandable, losing Isabel in such a horrible way. I mean how can you possibly be over that.
T- Yeah, but it is not fair to you. I need to deal with it. You know, your dream should have nothing to do with my issues.
L- thank you. Were gonna get trough this. I love you!

Tim and Lucy share a lovely kiss.
Tim chuckles. T- well you say that, but without putting you on a lie dictator. How can I be sure.
Lucy chuckles. L- ohh haha not a chance. I'm not doing that.

Aaron interrupts the couple drunk. And after that the whole situation with Celina happens.

Lucy stays the night at Tim. They went straight to bed. But Lucy couldn't sleep. She kept seeing this image of Tim on his knee with the ring of Bailey. Meanwhile Tim was out like a light. Lucy just kept thinking about if Tim would want to marry again because of what happened with Isabel. And what does Lucy want herself? Her mind wasn't at ease. If she wasn't worried about the detective exam, she was worried about the "almost proposal". She finally fell asleep.

The next morning.
T- Goodmorning Luce.
L- Tim, can we please stay in bed for a few hours. I couldn't sleep last night. And I need your cuddles.
T- Allright, you were awake worrying about the detective exam weren't you?
L- yeah you know me to well. ( Lucy is just not ready to talk about the "almost proposal")
T- Okay come here. Let's cuddle.

Lucy and Tim had the day off, because of the wedding. So they could just sleep in and have a relaxed day. Lucy did some studying. And Tim went for a jog with Kojo.

Later that evening Lucy went home to her apartment. She wanted to see Tamara before she went to work the next day. And maybe see if Tamara had any advice for the "almost proposal". They talked about it. And Tamara gave Lucy advice to just talk about it. But also do what Lucy thinks is right and don't rush it.

In the middle of the night Lucy's phone went off. It was grey. He needed her now on the station for a UC job. She had to go undercover to save another UC agent. After that mission was completed, she had to stay undercover for a longer period. She hadn't spoken to Tim since yesterday and she also didn't had the chance to tell him about this UC job.

G- Bradford in my office please.
T- yes sir.
Tim walked immediately to grey's office.
T- Sir, what can I do for you.
G- Nothing for now. I just wanted to tell you that I had to call Chen in the middle of the night for a simple UC job. But it turns out that she has to be undercover for a longer period.
T- what!! How can I just hear about it now?
G- I told Chen that she had to come immediately. So she hadn't had the time to check in with you. She also left her phone on the station. We only have contact with Chen via a burner phone.

Tim is worried. This was not what he had expected the day to start. But he wanted to trust Lucy in doing her job and returning to him. He needed to calm hisself down.

T- Sir, if it is possible I want to speak to Lucy when able to.
G- Yes, I understand. Chen is the one who needs to make contact with us. Otherwise it wouldn't be save. When I have contact with Chen, I will alert you.

Lucy is undercover as a narc. She has to be in the trusted circle of a big drugsdealer. The druglord that they are trying to get. Will be dealing with extremely dangerous drugs.

Chen is just settled in, and got some information for the case. So she calls the station with the burner phone.

G- what did you get?
L- there was some big intell. But nothing that was sure. They were talking about exchanging it at a warehouse close to the beach.
G- okay, nice work. Keep the info coming. Oh and before we hang up. Bradford wants to speak with you.
L- oh huh okay.
T- baby, are you alright?
L- yes, but i can't call for long. Otherwise it will be suspicious.
T- okay okay, just wanted to make sure you are alright. And please don't scare me like that. Going on a UC case without me knowing.
L- yess I know sorry.... Yes uhm bye Marcus. We will meet later for the good stuff.

Lucy hangs up..

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