The aftermath

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Lucy woke up with a panic.
L- wh- where am I?
T- you are safe Luce, we are at the hospital.

Lucy immediately began bursting in tears. Tim didn't know what to do. He eventually hugged Lucy to comfort her.
T- do you want to tell me what happened?
Lucy just was sobbing and couldn't form a single word.
T- it's okay, tell me when you are ready.
And they both stayed hugging each other for a while. And Lucy fell asleep save in Tim's arms.

Sergeant Grey, Angela, Nyla and John came see if they were okay.
T- hey guys, she woke up panicking and hasn't said anything about what happened.
G- it is good that she has you that is looking out for her.
A- yes you saved her again. I think you are promoted to her white knight that comes and save her every time.
Everyone smiles because of the joke Angela made.
G- we will be out of your hair for now. We wanted to see how she is. But she in great hands, so we will leave now. Keep us updated.
T- yes sir, and thank you.

Tim stayed next to Lucy for a few hours. He looked at her worried. He cares her cheek. But Lucy flinched at that touch of Tim's hand against her cheek. She had another panic attack.
T- hey Luce, it's me, Tim. I'm here for you. You are safe with me.
The doctor came in.
D- good morning, how was her night?
T- she slept for most of the night. But sometimes woke up in panic.
D- alright, everything is okay with her except the panic attacks. We have to run a few tests before we can discharge her this afternoon.
T- okay thank you doctor.

The doctor and nurses ran the tests and Lucy was discharged. She was going home. At least she was going to Tim's house. He wanted to stay close to her and have her be save. Lucy didn't talk much. She just stared in front of her like a zombie.

T- hey Luce we are home. Let's get you inside and in bed.
Tim gave Lucy some of his clothes and put her to bed. He went back to the living room to send a text to everyone. But before he could leave the bedroom.
L- wait....
T- what's the matter Luce? Do you need help? What can I do for you?
L- please stay with me.
T- of course. Is it okay that I change my clothes?
L- yes but be quick please.

Tim changed quick into just joggers. He didn't think a shirt was necessary. He needed to be quick for Lucy. When he went and layed next to her. She immediately went and layed her head on his chest. And they both fell asleep

Around 3 am Tim woke up because he heard Lucy screaming next to him. He immediately went to comfort her and tell her she is save. And that it's over. He gave her a soothing kiss on her forehead. And she went back to sleep. A few hours later Tim had woken up. He went to the living room to get some breakfast. And he called sergeant grey.
G- Tim how is Lucy doing?
T- physically she is okay but it really effected her mentally. She keeps waking up in a panic. And sometimes she has nightmares. I hate to see her like this sarge. I want that bastard locked up for life.
G- yes I get that. I am giving you and Lucy weeks off until you are ready to come back. You are the only one who can make her feel safe.
T- thank you very much sir. I will keep you updated.
And there she was in the doorway. Looking at Tim. With a bit of panic in her face. But as soon as she sees Tim, it changes in to relief.

T- good morning sleepyhead. How are you doing?
L- morning, I was scared that you left.
T- I'm sorry, I had to eat something. And I gave grey an update. Do you want to eat something?
L- oh okay, no thank you.
T- are you sure I can make some pancakes if you want?
L- oh pancakes yes please.

Tim went and baked some pancakes. While Lucy sat on the couch petting Kojo.
T- honey the pancakes are ready.
L- okay thank you.
Lucy only ate two pancakes. Normally she ate 6 pancakes. And if Tim made them sometimes she ate 7 of them. "She really isn't herself" Tim thought.
T- do you wanna go on a walk with me and Kojo?
L- uhm yeah I could go for a walk I think. But first I need to shower.
T- yeah okay. Do you want to go to your apartment after to get you some stuff.
L- sure but I can stay at my own apartment. I don't want to be a burden for you.
T- you are not a burden to me. And you will never be. And I don't think it is a good idea for you to be alone right now.
L- but I won't be alone, I would have Tamara.
T- yes, but Tamara has to go to school.
L- okay you are right. But at the end of the week I will go to my own apartment.
T- we will see by then.

Lucy went and had a shower. While being under the shower she had another panic attack. Tim heard some disturbing noises. And immediately came an check with Lucy. When he heard she was crying. He made sure she wasn't directly behind the door. So he kicked the door in. Lucy just sat under the shower with her head buried between her knees sobbing. Tim grabbed a towel for her. And brought her in for a hug. Lucy always feels safe when she is in a hug with Tim. He is her safe haven. While Lucy was putting on some clothes he called Angela.
T- hey Ange.
A- yes Timothy, what can I do for you.
T- can you come by and just look out for Lucy? While I go for a quick walk with Kojo and get some stuff from Lucy's apartment.
A- yeah sure. What happens?
T- she just had another panic attack. And i don't think she is just ready to go outside.
A- okay I will be there in 10.

While they waited for Angela. Tim explained to Lucy that he has to go on a walk with Kojo and that he is going to get some stuff from her place.
L- but I was going with you.
T- I don't think that is a great idea right now. So I asked Angela to come by. So you don't have to be alone.
L- okay but please be quick, I just want you.
T- I know Luce.

3 weeks later. Lucy was a bit better. She still was home with Tim. And Tim just started working again. Lucy had therapy two times a week. And she felt actually better. More like herself. The couple still didn't have any intimate contact. Because of the trauma Lucy went trough. They only had shared hugs and Tim gave Lucy from time to time a kiss on her forehead. Tim just came home from a shift.
T- hey Luce how was your session?
L- good, I feel so much better now. I think I'm ready to go back to work.
T- I don't think that just yet. You need to go easy on yourself. You just had one week without a panic attack.
L- okay but it so boring. I need to get back to work.
T- I get that but we still have to take baby steps.
L- okay what do you wanna to eat? I'm hungry.
T- I already got dinner.
L- really what?
T- it's one of your favorites.
L- wait tacos from the taco stand near the station!
T- yes hahaha I thought you deserved it after your progress.
L- ohhh I could kiss you right now. I really missed those tacos.

And Lucy actually went to kiss Tim after more than 4 weeks of no intimacy.
L- that felt great, I really missed that too.
T- me too. But I don't want to rush you.
L- it's okay I think I am ready. Do you think we can try some more later tonight?
Lucy winked at Tim.
T- I mean if you are really ready.

After dinner they went and watched top chefs on the couch. And Lucy went in the bedroom and came back with only a t-shirt on.
T- wait what are you doing? You hadn't had that on just then.
L- I'm ready. So do you want to or am I going to bed feeling sad.
Lucy said playful.
T- alright, you know I'm ready.
Tim turned the tv off and went to the bedroom.
Lucy was waiting for him on the bed. He walked towards her and initiated a kiss. That turned hotter by the minute. Lucy grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. She immediately went for his pants.
T- oh someone is feeling desperate.
L- oh shut up. I can already feel your boner. So I'm not the only one.
As they removed their clothing and went for it. Tim was just about to enter. As Lucy began to panic. She screamed and kicked Tim out of her way. Tim was in shock of what just happened. He tried to talk to Lucy. But she didn't look at him. She looked right trough him as if he wasn't there. Lucy was in a trans. Back to the moment when she was r@ped.

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