Zerif Headcanons

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Zerif HeadcanonsBefore

-Zerif bro. How do I even start this?

-from the start(kid age) he's a very sneaky kid.

-Going by my brain and the information i remember, we're gonna say he's of Amayan and Zhongese descent

-he grew up in a small, poor village that wasn't on the Greencloaks radar (I'm leading into his conqueror days bear with me) so a good chunk of the people had bonding sickness. Zerif watched all these people get sick and go mad. He even watched one person kill their spirit animal to escape.

-So when he isn't blessed with a spirit animal he becomes an aid to the rest of his village

-this is when his crime life begins. He starts to steal little things. Like clothing, food, necessities you know?

-but it slowly grows over time and he starts stealing from the wealthy. He gets caught by one of these nobles and they ship him off to Stetriol.


(When I say during, I mean like after Abeke becomes a greencloak)

-So, our friend Zerif is now a conqueror :D

-by the time he meets Shane, he's been wandering in Stetriol for maybe two-ish years?

-skip forward a little bit and he's now a leader among the conquerors

-he's got his little army of kids that go around trying to stop the Greencloaks (Shane and co.)

-He knows he's really working for Kovo but he kinda likes his conqueror buddies and his jackal

-That is, until the Evertree. When he loses his sword in the battle he high-tails it out of there. (Now you see him now you don't 🤷🏾‍♀️) He's not ready to risk his life ok?

-Remember those weeks where that greencloak was chasing him before he found the Wyrm?

-yea, he lost his survival skills. He got too comfy as a conqueror(sorry)

Wyrm Arc

-When he first meets the Wyrm we already know he's disgusted by it. But it's possessed him now so what can he do?

-I feel like the Wyrm basically baited him by telling him that it would give him a lot of power and he wanted what he had as a conqueror back but better.

-He's angry and wants revenge so of course he's gonna do it.

-But as he steals more and more Spirit Animals i feel like there was the itsy bitsy teensy tiniest bit of him that felt wrong about the entire thing

-everytime he doubted the Wyrm would basically increase it's hold on him to whip him back into shape

-by the time he gets to the place of desolation all he's thinking is kill and power.

-When he finally meets the Wyrm face to face he's thinking "what the flip is this scary looking thing"

-but he can't say that so of course he goes "BEAUTIFUL"

-but as the Wyrm seeps into him he's regretting it (probably reflecting on his life decisions too) he's thinking anything would be better than this even going back to his broke little village that's probably long since been destroyed.

-You know how in like books when someone's possessed they can like see but can't do anything? Same goes for him. He's banging on his mental prison walls screaming and cursing but then-he's suddenly back in control of his body

-he's groggy as if waking from a really really long dream but then he gets hit with the pain. He can feel the Wyrm trying to take back control and Abeke screaming at him.

-he doesn't fully understand what she's saying but he gets the gist

-SO, he tosses himself into the lava

-his last thoughts are that "aw man I didn't get to rule anything" but also "finally peace bro"

-and then he's dead 😔

-bye bye <3

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