Shane Headcanons

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this bit is like before his mother dies

-As a kid he's a picky eater (that's the first thing off the top of my head sorry 😭) Like the chef is running back and forth cause shane said he didn't want whatever it was they made. Later on he just gives up and has a small list of the limited foods baby Shane will eat

-He loved adventure; playing pirate, pretending to be a dragon, and climbing into high places were some of his favourites. Before they lose a good chunk of the staff, he'd rope some of them into his games and get them to build different props for his imaginary adventures.

-Like any younger brother would, he messes with Drina a lot. And like any younger sibling would, the second that Drina retaliates he's calling for his mother.

-whenever he and Drina fight, their mom would lock them up together inside their playhouse (the green and pink one from The Book of Shane: Venom) until they made up (not rlly but shh 🤫)

-A bit of a sad one, but when their mom first gets sick, Drina starts getting back at Shane because she knows he can't get any help 😔


-By the time Drina is stuck with the bonding sickness, almost all that happiness is gone

-when's she's stuck in bed he comes and tells her all these whimsical stories or he talks to her about all the places they'll visit when she gets better

-he also has to convince himself-he just really wants to get out the castle

-we already know he thought about running away and he knows it's very serious but there's a small part of him that thinks "it's just another adventure right?" "all my adventures have been inside the castle, this is the same thing except it's real." He's trying to help himself out ok? 😭

-but then Zerif shows up and shows him a different hell

-you see, if Zerif hadn't pulled up with his cure all potion maybe he would've run away with Drina. Maybe she could be helped even a little bit. Maybe he would've lived some cottage core aesthetic life idk 🤷🏾‍♀️

-All I know is our friend over here wouldn't have gone on a world wide rampage 🙃

-I said this in a previous post, but Shane is absolutely in shock at all the things he gets to see as a Conqueror.

-so before the Conqueror's officially start rampaging, he goes off and tries all these things and eats different foods

-In the towns that they stayed a really long time in, he visits some specific stalls over and over again, spends all his money there and the owners just instantly know him and what he wants

-later on after the Conquerors ravaged said towns he feels really really bad about it.

-and then he meets Abeke

-once they're better acquainted he brings her on his market adventures too and they have so much fun

-just two friends hanging out

-side note: Abeke shows him all the good market stalls and the best food ones while they're in Nilo

-and he's just so happy he's got his first friend in a long time and everythings going so well for him right?

-well not for long 😏

and that's where I leave you for now :D I'll do a part two to shane's headcanons along the line but here for now have some proper headcanony headcanons

-Shane loves reading (you know how I said he likes adventure? He got it from them fantasy book)

-whenever he had a meal that had any speck, shape or form of a food he didn't like? The meal? gone. Out in the trash. Later on when he sees war ravaged places he instead just picks out the part he doesn't like and gives it to someone

-After Gerathon is finished Shane kinda grows to like Grahv. He talks to him and Grahv will just lie down, eyes shut and huff. In a better life if Grahv was summoned naturally Shane would brush his plates and scales to help him clean up

-You know how he escaped on Halawir? It was a revelation for him

-he loved the rush of air

-and he's so upset after cause he can't get the same feeling anymore

-After living in such a hot country that's basically the equivalent of Australia, he's travelling anywhere cold. His favourite place was Arctica until it blew up 😃

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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