Hot guy in blue

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-Craig's POV, 9:00 p.m. April 24

"Craig!" I heard my dad yell from the top of his lungs coming up the stairs and into my room. Just what I fucking needed.

"Here we fucking go-" I rolled my eyes and put my phone down next to me on my bed.

I watched as my dad slammed my door open, his face practically purple, "Care to explain why you have five fucking failing classes?!"

I scoffed and sat up, already getting pissed off with his voice, "Um no?! Since when do you give a shit?!"

"Since now! I thought you said you were doing fine!"

"I was! Like five weeks ago..." I said that last part under my breath.

"Don't be a fucking smart ass-"

"I'M NOT! You make me play hockey anyway!" I stood up with my eyebrows practically over my eyes, throwing my arms in front of his ugly face, "Isn't that good enough for your depressing ass to get a hold of?!"

"You little-" he grabbed my shirt while turning around and shoving me up against a wall.

I immediately shoved him off of me, "DUDE GET THE FUCK OFF!"

He stood there and looked at me like i made the biggest mistake of my life, even though I've made so much more worse ones before, "YOURE FUCKING DONE CRAIG!" He shoved his fat finger in my face.

I slapped it away and stormed out of my room and down the stairs, seeing my mom about to cry, "Craig-?!" She whispered to me, looking scared.

I passed her up practically jumping down the whole flight of stairs, "IM SO FUCKING DONE WITH PLACE!" I grabbed my keys next to the front door and walked out.

"CRAIG THOMAS TUCK-" my dad screeched from the top of ass before I gave him the finger, shutting the door before he could finish.

I walked over to my car and unlocked it, looking up at my sister's window on the second floor of my house, seeing her stand there with a grin. I held my hands up while she threw me my phone, and then saluted me goodbye, almost laughing.

You know when something's not funny- like at all, but after a while of seeing it or having it happen, it just becomes comical? I guess that's what I have in this situation.

I saluted her goodbye with a smirk and then drove off down the road, not even knowing where I was going at this point. Usually when this happens I would go over to Tweeks house and he'd always make me feel better about the whole thing... but I can't really do that anymore can I?

I pulled over to the side of the road under a street lamp, went on my phone and looked at all my contacts, trying to find someone willing to help me out at least.

At first I saw Kyle's contact with no picture, but I scrolled past it, thinking about how I was literally at his house three hours ago getting tutored and his mom let me have dinner with them.

But as I looked at all my other contacts, I just saw all the douches on my hockey team that were only my friends because we played together. But I guess Clyde and Kenny were two people I'd consider my actual friends, but there was no chance in hell I was gonna call Kenny up with his broken household, mentally and physically. Honestly worse than mine which was really saying something. I didn't wanna Clyde either, knowing his ass would just be a complete dick about it, and what was I supposed to say? 'Uh hey dude, my dad yelled at me cuz' I'm fucking restarted and I got mad and said I hated my house while storming out the door and now I need somewhere to go'... like no.

I didn't really have another choice but to call Kyle, and I at least knew that he wasn't gonna be a complete dick about it.

I dialed his number and almost immediately he picked up "hello?-"

I leaned back in my seat and took off my hat, trying to put the shame in voice to the back of my throat, "oh hey dude it's me..."

"Yeah I know I read the caller ID."

"So you read 'hot guy in blue' and thought of me huh?"

I could tell he almost laughed but didn't, "why'd you call me Craig?"

I ran my hand through my hair, "well I was just wondering if- if you'd wanna like I don't know... hang... out?" I put my head into my lap trying to hide the pain in my voice after I said that.

"Like... right now?" His voices lightened up.

"Well if you'd want to." I lifted my head back up with high hopes.

"Yeah ok sure. Why not?"

My eyes got so wide I thought they were gonna fall out or something, "oh ok cool!- I mean- yeah cool whatever. Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't dude... what's open at 9 o'clock on a Friday night?"

"Hm... Tweaks coffee is."

"But didn't you two just-"

"Yeah no it's fine. He doesn't work on Fridays or the night shift so he won't be there, and I got so fucking addicted to the coffee there dude-" I heard him chuckle form the other side of the phone, "I'm tellin you dude it's like a fuckin drug or something!"

"Ok ok... I'll leave in a minute then."

"You don't need me to pick you up or anything?" I put my hand on my wheel.

"Nah I can just use my moms car."

"Alright cool. I'll see you in a bit." I hung up and put my car back into drive, heading to a place I used to go probably twice a day just to see Tweek. I didn't wanna think about that though, I was hanging out with Kyle which made me happy for some reason.

I've only known the dude for a day and I feel like I could do anything with him. Like anything.

Reading comments on one of my other story's rn and I'm literally dying-

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