Is this love

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-Kyle's POV, 10:19 p.m. April 25

"I'd kill myself without you..."

I had my head down, watching the small drops of salt water fall onto my shoes.

He was crying.

I brought my head back up to his wet face, watching his tears swim down and off of his cheeks. I looked sympathetic at him, being so shocked by what he was doing. The only time I've ever seen him cry was when his mom passed away from suicide, he only had his dad and stepmom left. And he didn't consider his sister part of his family.

That all happened around the beginning of middle school, but around when high school started he just broke into a million pieces.

I didn't know what to do, I felt my hand shake in his tight grasp. He was just standing there with his head down and his eyes closed, trying to stop the tears from coming out, though it wasn't really helping.

I pulled him into a hug with his arms drooped down at his side. I heard him cry even harder when his face was on my shoulder and felt his chest go up and down. I just rubbed his back with my chin on his shoulder, I didn't want to but he's a person too.

"I'm sorry-" he picked his up and looked through my eyes, "I'm so sorry..."

"It's- it's gonna be alright stan..." I was gonna say 'It's ok'. But I didn't know if it truly was or not, and I wasn't gonna lie anymore.

"Nothing's gonna be alright if you leave me ky-" he wiped his face with his knuckles. I heard his voice shake in his throat, trying to keep his tone straight.

"I'm not gonna leave you, Stan... ok?"

"... do you mean- not leave me... or not break up with me...?" his eyes became sharper when he asked that, waiting for me to answer him.

I cared about him, I really did. I was never gonna leave him but- breaking up with him is different. "Stan... just let me take you home ok? Come on..." I put my hand in his pocket and grabbed his keys, putting him into the passenger seat of his car. But before I drove off I texted my mom that I was dripping him off real quick.

As I drove him home I was glad he didn't ask the question again after I obviously disregarded it. I didn't look over at him once the whole time, only seeing his slouched position in the seat.

I brought him inside and went to his room, noticing his parents still weren't home from the so-called 'trip' they were on. All the lights were off and the house was completely silent other than the front door creaking open and closed.

He stood there looking dead while I took off his jacket and placed it on his chair. I pulled his covers back and watched him get in bed. Before I could pull the covers all the way back up onto him he looked at me with sagged lips, "Can you stay with me... please?" I barely heard what he said of his voice being so dried out and his nose clogged up.

I looked at his door and then back at him, knowing I couldn't just tell him no, "yeah... yeah ok." I threw off my shoes and jacket while putting my phone on the nightstand after I texted my mom I was just gonna stay over.

I got under the covers with him and had my stomach against his back, putting my arm under his armpit, just trying to calm him down. A second later I felt his foot wrap around one of my legs and heard him take a deep breath.

Thirty minutes probably go by and I'm still laying there in the exact same spot with my eyes wide open, slightly flinching from Stans's light snoring. I was just trying to avoid the thought of what to do with him, telling myself that it was something for me to figure out later.

My phone went off a few seconds later, someone had texted me twice. I got a little excited about having something to put my mind off to. I slowly took my arm away from him and grabbed my phone, having the screen make my eyelids wince.

"The fuck...?" I whispered to myself.

                      Hot guy in blue

Hot guy in blue: hey
Hot guy in blue: can you come outside for a sec?

I quietly got out of bed and went over to the window, and I saw Craig standing there in the driveway in his pajamas with his jacket on, looking right at me.

I threw on my jacket as fast as I could and went down the stairs and out the front door, leaving Stan. When I walked over to him I felt my socks touch the cold concrete below me, causing me to shiver with my arms crossed.

"Um hey..." he rubbed the back of his hand.

"How... how did you know I was here?"

"Well I went to your house first but- your mom said you were here..."

"You could've just texted me or something. You didn't have to come all the way over here... and for what?" I shrugged and waited for him to talk to me.

"I just- I just needed to tell you something important I guess you could say." he laughed a bit under his cold breath. "And I just thought it'd be pretty douchey of me to text you- or call you or something."

"You couldn't just wait until tomorrow? I'm kind of... in the middle of stuff right now..." I tried to lighten my tone, trying to not seem passive-aggressive or anything.

"It just takes a second I'm sure... but uhm... I-" he cut his own words off, taking small steps closer to me, "I-"

(uhm guys this part is like awkward so I recommend listening to Whisper by Park Ji Woo if you wanna do that-)

I was thinking about Stan and if he was ok or not, but when I looked into his eyes looking directly back at mine, all those thoughts just disintegrated in my own mind. His eyes reflected the deep orange light coming from the one street light behind us.

I don't know what the fuck I was doing, but whatever it was... I wasn't doing it on my own. We were so close to each other at this point all I could see was his eyes and nose. His cold hand went on my cheek and behind my ear while we both closed our eyes and connected lips.

Once we did, I felt everything I'd ever worried about in my entire life just get blown away like a leaf on a tree. It made me feel so- so alive.

We turned our heads as I put my hand on the back of his neck, feeling his cut hair brush the tip of my fingers, our empty hands met and grabbed each other, like from earlier at the concert, but this time was different.

What was I doing?... is this love? I thought I'd experienced it before, but this wasn't anything like I've ever experienced.

This made me feel something I couldn't name.




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y'all PLEASE go check out there other stuff it's REALLY GOOD!!!!!! And thanks again!!!!!

but like- thoughts on stan rn?

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