Fuck you

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-Kyle's POV, 9:23 a.m. May 11

I stared at my hands lying on top of my knees, my palms staring directly at me with the most disgusting looks. I turned them over, not wanting them to judge me anymore because the only thoughts I should be caring about are my own. Turning around and seeing Craig sleeping with one of his arms over his forehead, his mouth wide open and light snoring coming from his nose made me smile a bit.

The first thing that came to mind when I woke up a minute ago was obviously what we fucking did last night; and holy fuck- god I loved it. I've wanted to do that for so long with him that when I finally did, it was like everything in my life finally came together how I wanted it to.

He told me he loved me, and I believe it. And I told him I loved him too when he asked, but it felt wrong even though it shouldn't. I knew it was because I was still in a relationship with Stan so I technically cheated on him. But the feeling I constantly got from Stan was how he was always cheating on my care for him. I fucking hate how nice I was to him, after all, we've been through, all he's done.

I don't even remember what happened last night. I don't know how I got to Craigs, I don't know where Stan is, and I don't even know why Stan was so pissed last night, but I remember he was about something.

I got up and scattered around the floor for my underwear and literally any shirt I could find, along with my phone. I slipped on my underwear and shirt, taking a look at my phone after doing so, seeing 7 missed calls from Stan and no texts.

I didn't know what to think I guess... I knew I couldn't avoid any of this, but it's not like I ever did in the first place. The need to get things over with plays with my head like a bouncy ball, and it fucking hurts too.

I stood up and grabbed my pants, dialing his contact on the way out the door, leaving a note I wrote with a shitty red pen in a matter of seconds. I grabbed the edge of the door, closing it slowly behind me to not wake Craig up.

To my surprise, he actually answered, "Hello?" he blatantly pushed out of his clogged throat.


"Where the fuck have you been all night? Did Craig actually take you home!?"

I left the house and felt the cold air rub against my eyes, "Stan- can we just meet up somewhere? I wanna talk to you-"

"We're talking right now, aren't we? And you didn't answer my fucking question..."

I sighed and rubbed my face, "Look- I'm going to that bridge by butters' house, you can come if you want but-"

"I'm on my way-" he hung up before he could even finish with the most death-sounding voice I've heard come out of his mouth.

By the time he hung up, I was already halfway there, it wasn't far from Craigs if you walked. If you took a car you'd have to go all the way around into the small dirt parking lot for the park, but if you walked you could reach it faster, and thankfully Craig lived fairly close to Butters' house.

Minutes passed as my legs kept walking, eventually bringing me closer and closer to the small bride above a river that trailed throughout the park. When I reached the middle of the curved concrete, I leaned over the railing and watched as the water flowed through the pavement, reflecting an orange tone from the morning sky.

"Are you not freezing your ass off?"

I looked to my right and watched as Stan took off his jacket while getting closer and closer to me. The first thing I noticed was his face. He had a giant bruise sitting along the top of his left cheek. I was praying it wasn't who I thought it was.

I reached out my hand to touch his sore cheek, "what happened!?"

"You wanna know what happened?..." he put his jacket around my shoulders and leaned against the railing, "That dick fucking punched me for no fucking reason- and then he practically fucking kidnapped you while you were drunk off your ass!-" he gave a steady look, "...he took you home... right?" he leaned towards a certain answer.

"Look-" my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I took it out and both of us looked at the screen that said, 'Hot guy in blue'. My heart practically disintegrated in my own ribcage, I didn't even wanna look him in the eyes after that, not having any idea what he'd say.

"Wow..." he scoffed and looked back at the water below us, "you fucked him once and already changed his contact name, you surprise me, everyday babe."

I was taken aback by what he said, but I was so- so fucking tired of his shit, he acted as if I was the one doing wrong.

I bent my eyebrows and stared at him, "At least he loves me-"

He snapped and faced back at me with his arms out, "HE DOESN'T FUCKING LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU- ME!" he pointed to himself, "AND YOUVE ONLY TALKED TO HIM FOUR FUCKING TIMES FOR FUCKS SAKE!"

"...ok stan. Then tell me."

He calmed down, "Tell you what!?"

"Tell me what you love about me. Tell me- tell me five things you love about me... yeah?"

He scoffed and wandered his head, "I-..."

I stood there and waited... and waited, and waited for something that was never gonna come. Just like I've been doing with him my whole life.

"Fuck you." I took off his jacket and threw it on his chest, watching him catch it without looking away from me with a face I couldn't describe.

Guys there's only gonna be like two chapters left or maybe even one idk😔

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