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-Craig's POV, 10:25 a.m. April 25

"So- what were you doing then?" he calmed down and gave me a questionable tone of voice.

"I- nothing... I just woke up like that." I got off the bed and towered in front of him, even though I was probably only an inch taller than him. I put my hands over my head and stretched my back out, Making it pop three times in a row.

Kyle made a face in disgust, "Ugh- gross." he left his room and walked down the hall, and I quickly following him, not wanting to be left alone.

"Where ya goin?"

"I'm brushing my teeth calm down." he went into his bathroom and tried shitting the door before I could jam my foot at the bottom, making him look directly at me with his shiny green eyes.

"Well, I wanna brush my teeth too." I walked in and stood next to him in the mirror seeing my fucked up-looking bedhead, "ew what the fuck-" I immediately put my hands into my hair, trying to fix it to at least look decent. I felt retarded knowing that I'd looked like this the whole time, even if it was just for five minutes.

"Really?" he giggled into his shirt, grabbing out a toothbrush and toothpaste from his drawer.


"Nothing... you're just not the type of guy I see worrying about what his hair looks like." he turned on the sink.

"Why? Because I'm already so handsome I shouldn't have to?" I teased, nudging his close shoulder.

"Um no. For one, you wear the same hat every day, and two, your personality doesn't sit with it I guess..." he put his toothbrush under the sink and then continued to apply toothpaste on top of the bristles.

"Ok... so what does my personality look like then...?"

"Hm..." he put his toothbrush in his mouth and started to brush all of his perfectly white teeth in smooth motions, "um mph mmph you."

"What?" I squinted my eyes, not hearing one word he just said.

He took his toothbrush out for a second, "ugh never mind." he continued to brush his teeth.

"How am I supposed to brush my teeth?"

He looked at me and shrugged, not really caring. I grabbed his empty hand and made his pointer finger stick out straight, dunking it under the running sink and grabbing his almost empty toothpaste bottle sitting upright on the counter.

"Dude, the mmph are mmph mmphing-"

I just ignored his soggy words of concern put his finger full of toothpaste into my mouth and started to wipe it against my slightly yellow and crooked teeth.

He stared at me until I looked at him with tired eyes, surprisingly he didn't do anything but shrug and continue to brush his teeth while looking at himself in the mirror.

We stood next to each other, both watching our reflections copy our movements in the mirrors as we brushed our teeth. We looked so fucking stupid.

-Kyle's POV, 4:55 p.m. April 25

I looked at myself in my full-length mirror against my blue wall, examining the clothes I was about to leave the house with. I was wearing an old dark grey T-shirt I got when I and my family went on a trip to North Carolina a couple of years back. It had a few holes in it but it looked fine to me. For my pants, I just wore some shitty dark green cargo pants I found in the back of my dresser ten minutes ago.

We had to leave the house in a few minutes to get to the music hall Blue Rian Boots were playing at since it took around an hour just to get there. Me and Craig practically just sat around my house all day just waiting for time to move faster. We played video games and made lunch and stuff, it was really nice, to say the least.

I kept looking in the mirror and then my eyes landed on my hat, I thought about taking it off for a couple of seconds, but I didn't know... remembering all the things Stan told me about my hair pissed me off.

But Stan isn't here right now, is he? Without thinking I slid my hat off my head with my dirty nails gripping it tight. I looked at my orange curly hair sitting on my head, almost molded into my hat's confines.

"Hey, you ready to go or what dude?" Craig walked into the doorway and gazed at me looking at myself in my mirror.

"Uh- yeah... yeah let's go." I looked at him behind me through my mirror, not having to turn around.

"Cool. You look hot," he said to me right before leaving my room, almost shutting the door behind him.

A smile creeped out and onto my pink cheeks, I liked when he complimented me, even if they were just stupid ass jokes that he obviously didn't mean. But still- it made me feel something I haven't in a long time.

I threw my hat onto my bed, leaving it under the orange sunlight coming in through my small window. I hopped down the stairs and saw Craig waiting by the door on his phone.

"Let's get out of here for Christ's sake," I told him while opening the front door for him. I didn't tell anyone bye since we were the only ones home. My dad was at work and so was my mom, they both worked Saturdays. And ike was at his friend's house down the road, he practically lived there.

We left the house after I locked the door behind me. We walked over to Craig's car and got in. I didn't really look like it but, I was actually super fucking excited to go to this.

The last concert I went to was just went to absolute shit.

"You ready cutie?" Craig asked me in a stupid voice like always, starting the car up with his hand on the wheel. I noticed how he never drove with more than one hand.

I slapped his shoulder, "Shut up."

-Stan's POV, 5:45 p.m. April 25

I was in the locker room with all the guys, putting on all of our gear and padding before we went to play.

Everyone was talking to one another but me, I didn't fucking feel like it, or give shit for that matter.

I was ignoring all the small talk around me until one of my ears picked up, "Hey has anyone seen Craig? He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. Coach is going to beat his boney ass." Tolkien asked Clyde, putting on his expensive ass helmet.

Kenny chimed in, answering his question, "He said he couldn't make it, he said he was sick or some shit."


Hey guys so I'm actually gonna tell y'all my next story at the end of this one!
Also wanted to say thanks for 200 reads 👊😍

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