Little Monster (Wattpad)

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Story Title : Little Monster

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Story Title : Little Monster

Status : Completed

Ship Dynamics : Top Tae + Bottom Kook

Author : 1Goldenbunjk

A little sneak peek :

"I want you to leave Korea " Jungkook stared in elder's eyes.

"That's what you want for your birthday" Taehyung gently rubbed his cheek.

"Yes! leave me, mom and dad alone" Younger said heartlessly not realizing the damage he's causing.

"As you wish my petal" Taehyung pecked his forehead and left.

Kim's are a wealthy and respectable family of Korea and had everything they ever needed in life. Everybody knew Kim's elder son was adopted but they always loved both of their sons equally. None of them ever felt left out.

Taehyung who got everything he wished for except the treasure he wanted most.

Jungkook who was loved too much that he forgot to give love back to others.

Jungkook who was loved too much that he forgot to give love back to others

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