Till Death Do Us Apart (Wattpad)

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Story Title : Till Death Do Us Apart

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Story Title : Till Death Do Us Apart

Status : Completed

Ship Dynamics : Top Tae + Bottom Kook

Author : Dani-luv-bts

A little sneak peek :

A Mate, is the most important person for a werewolf.

They offers you neverending love and support... They will help you walk through every hail storm in life.. survive every drought... and harsh winters... so that you can bloom in to a beautiful flower again...

In short, they complete you...

Your other half...

It's the one touch, that will never leave your hand...

Your blessing from the moon goddess....

The best that can possibly happen to you, in your entire life time...

That's what a mate was supposed to be...

But for Jungkook, it was something totally different...

Because his mate, is the one that is destined to kill him...

Because his mate, is the one that is destined to kill him

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