SIGMA (Wattpad)

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Story Title : SIGMA

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Story Title : SIGMA

Status : Completed

Ship Dynamics : Top Tae + Bottom Kook

Author : Peoniex

A little sneak peek :

Trilogy #1

In the werewolf society, Alphas are the most dominant ones, they are the ones who dominate, they are the ones who lead. Sigmas, on the other hand are the manipulators, they are the masterminds behind each and every plan. They lead their own life and are their own boss.

The werewolf society was constructed in a way where Alphas and Sigmas share the same reputation and position. They share the similar physical features too; they are strong and big but these are the only things they have in common.

"Alphas are aggressive, they are outgoing and sociable."

"Sigmas are calm, they tend to live on their own and do not engage in social interaction and meetings."

Jeon Jungkook is a growing Alpha whose parents force him to learn from the Sigma living next door on his own.




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