Still The Same (Wattpad)

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Story Title : Still The Same

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Story Title : Still The Same

Status : Completed

Ship Dynamics : Top Tae + Bottom Kook

Author : moonchildhay

A little sneak peek :

It's been over a year since Taehyung left and Jeongguk had learnt to stop letting the thought of him invade his mind. But sometimes the past collides with the present and suddenly Taehyung is in his parlor, asking for a tiger flower tattoo and Jeongguk realizes the butterflies are still there. It's still the same.

"I should try giving you a tattoo sometime." Taehyung smirked slightly, watching Jeongguk concentrate as he inked his honey skin.

"That's not how it works. You'd have to at least learn how to draw."

"Maybe, but I can think of other ways to mark you."


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