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  Troy stepped inside her cabin not fully understanding what he actually wanted the outcome of the conversation to be. Scarlett on the other hand was trying to contain her emotions as best she could. The door closed behind him and the pair moved to stand face to face in the middle of the room.

"So... what do you want to talk about?" Scarlett asks anxiously.

"Do you believe him? All those things he said about me?" He asks quietly searching her face for any signs of deceit.

"No. I believe you might not process or perceive things the same way I do, but- if you did you'd be like everyone else... that's boring don't you think?" Troy was amazed at her response. She wasn't repulsed by him, she was a victim of Jake's persuasion tactics and she still defended him, when he wasn't present. He knew now her intentions were genuine.

"Could we... try something? I just- I want to see how it feels." Troy asks unsure if he really wants to dip his toes into this new world.

"Uh- yes. Sure." Scarlett breathes out as pink spreads across her cheeks lightly.

  Troy looks down at her hand slowly brushing his fingers against the back of it, he feels the softness of it before moving up to her wrist. Scarlett's breath catches in her throat at the contact, his touch feels like no other, it sends ripples of electricity throughout her body. He grabs her hand in his as she watches silently not daring to break this moment apart by moving an inch. He pulls her hand upwards slowly placing it into his stubbled cheek, holding it there to ensure it stays. His eyes slowly pull themselves to look at her while he processes how her soft and warm palms feels sitting on his skin.

Her eyes swallow him whole, like a thick green forest but in the morning... when it's dimly lit and the fog starts to hover over the grass below the sky scraping trees. To her his eyes drown her in waves of the deep ocean, caught in the middle of a violent storm.. a tinge of darkness behind them inviting her to dive in. 

They were alike in many ways, feeling these new sensations together. She'd never felt like this with Bryce, he was simply comfortable. He worked a nine to five and drank at the bar with his coworkers like any other man. But Troy... Troy was different in every way, he was unpredictable. She had a feeling he wouldn't kill her, wouldn't lay his hands on her but the thought that he could excited her. All the mental walls that you have set in place telling you to keep your intrusive thoughts contained aren't in his head. He's wild, raw, uncaged. Troy is free.

Troy begins to wonder what she's thinking as he revels in the feeling of her touch, her brows are pinched together slightly like she's lost in thought. He looks down to her lips, the movement of his eyes shaking her from her mind as she watches him lick his lips in anticipation. Subconsciously she parts her lips wishing he would come to the conclusion that he wanted to try other things too.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks her as if he'd read her mind. Scarlett knows not to throw herself at him, he'd obviously needed to initiate things himself in this trial period of human connection.

"Yes." She replies in a whisper, fluttering her eyes closed waiting for the sensation. The true test to either confirm or deny their feelings.

He dips his head down tilting his head slightly as he'd seen other couples do before, softly making contact to her lips with his own. Scarlett kisses him back mimicking his slow pace as he begins moving his mouth gracefully against hers. The action made her want to melt then and there, this confirmed that she indeed liked the man, more than a boss, more than a friend. Once Troy started he didn't want to stop, her lips were addicting, plump and ready for the arrival of his. He drops his hand off of hers waiting to see how she'd react but she just wraps it around his neck pulling him closer, his hands get the permission they needed to grab the sides of her head turning the gentle kisses into a rough and hungry make out. Lips fight for dominance moving skillfully against one another, a quiet moan slips from Scarlett surprising the both of them as they pull away breathing heavily.

Slow Dancing- Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now