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Scarlett woke up with bandages on her feet and an undying thirst for water, she gently rolled off the infirmary bed only to cry out when her sore feet touched the ground. Julie ran in the tent to her aid putting an arm around her to guide the girl outside.

"You shouldn't really be walking on them but I know I can keep you in here for long." Julie said disappointed.

"Water.." was all Scarlett could manage in her weak state.

With a firm nod Julie led her to one of the picnic tables used for dinner, setting Scarlett down to a sit before rushing off to gather her food and water. Moments later Julie arrived with lunch and a gallon jug, Scarlett wasted no time in taking it, chugging as much as she could. Her body ached at the liquid rushing inside her stomach but she couldn't be bothered to care, she needed the hydration.

"Where's Troy?" She asked concerned.

"Like you he wouldn't stay once he was bandaged up, he's been running around with Jake and big Otto trying to figure out the situation with Walker." Julie announced, Scarlett knew Troy couldn't feel the attachment she felt. She even doubted if he could miss her the way she missed him.

"Mind if I sit with you?" A new voice asked from behind her. Scarlett spun in her seat to reveal Nick Clarke.

"Are you going to hold me at gunpoint again?" She half joked.

"Not at all." He said taking the seat across from her, giving Julie a nod to dismiss her. Once alone Nick began staring at Scarlett in curiosity.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing... I just wanted to come and apologize. My mom is encouraging Alicia and I to make friends while we're here and you're closest with Troy.." he trailed off wanting her to confirm or deny a possible relationship.

"Is your family only concerned with power moves and strategy?" Scarlett asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"No, my mom she just— she means well. Losing Travis was hard, Luciana being in recovery and all its just a lot." he said ignoring the question.

"I heard Travis was like me, kind of irritating I never got the chance to meet him." Scarlett said allowing his evasion to pass.

"He was a good person." Nick said feeling hurt about the situation. Regret clouds his mind, thinking of the many ways he had been rude or spiteful to his late father figure.

"I'm sure he was." Scarlett concluded.

"So.. do you accept my apology?" He asked with a tight lipped smile.

"Sure Nick. I accept your apology, as long as you don't risk my life for someone else's again.." she replied, starting to eat her lunch.

   Nick smiled, nodding before getting up to tell his mother they were in good graces with the soldier girl. It was no lie she'd be a valuable asset, the way she knew about Qaletaqa and used it against him. Madison saw her in combat, she was useful.

Upon hearing the acceptance Madison took it upon herself to bring the young girl a cup of coffee as a gesture of good faith.

"I'm sure you'll want some of this to get your energy back." Madison declared, setting the cup of coffee in front of Scarlett and taking a seat next to her on the bench.

"Did you poison it?" She said bitterly.

"Of course not! Troy would have me killed, no doubt there." Madison replied offended.

"Maybe not, you seem to be cozy enough with him. What's your play, Madison Clarke?" Scarlett asked not looking up at the woman.

"Smart girl. I don't have a play yet, but I will do what I have to in order to protect my children. As for Troy he's... I care about him." Madison finished.

"He doesn't need you to mother him. You're not healing him Madison, you're making him dependent on your maternal affection. Using him to your benefit, keeping him in your back pocket." Scarlett announced unappreciatively.

"How did you get so good at reading people?" Madison asked her.

"I taught myself. The world was filled with monsters long before the dead sat up and started walking." The girl replied bluntly.

"That's one thing we can agree on... you mind teaching me?" Madison asked attempting to bond.

"On one condition. If shit goes down, Troy and I make it out alive. No acceptions. If you kill him, I kill you." She said finally gazing upon the blonde woman.

"I will try my hardest to keep that promise." Madison agreed, unknowing she'd come to make a choice later that would potentially ruin the young girl.

"It's always in the eyes. Some sparkle some don't, the ones that don't are the ones you have to be careful with, but the ones that sparkle.... That's the real danger." Scarlett said plainly.

"How do you mean?" Madison asked not grasping the concept.

"You can use all your senses, 90% will tell you someone is safe but that 10% that doesn't is the real answer. I just trust my gut and my gut told me that you have something itching to come out of your sleeves." Scarlett said confidently.

"Read my kids, I want to see if your gut is real or bullshit." Madison said, not believing intuition is the reason Scarlett was so good at reading people.

"Nick is an addict, or a recovering addict. His hands twitch and he can't keep still for long. His elbows have scars, probably heroin. Alicia wants to be more mature, putting up a facade until she gets there. That's why she hangs around Jake so much. She thinks the way to get through the apocalypse means depending on the partnership of a man. She'll come to find out she can do it by herself later..." Scarlett concludes.

Madison was stunned. Scarlett was right. It was a gift indeed, perceptive, always observing.

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