Chapter 4: "A Change of Plans"

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The next morning, Sunset and the girls woke up early, well, Sunset did. She wanted to get out and see the island, and search for the lost engine she had been seeing in her dreams.

Rarity rubbed her eyes, tired from the noise Sunset was making. “Ugh, darling, must we have to be up this early? We're all still pretty tired from last night.”

“Yeah,” Said Rainbow Dash, stretching her arms. “Who knew fighting a diesel engine with a claw would be so tiring?” She yawned again then went back to her bed, and plopped onto it. “I'm going back to bed. Wake me when it's time for us to go see the island.”

“That's what we're doing, girls.” Said Sunset. “We have to go and search the island for clues.”

Rainbow Dash jumped up from the bed, excited. “Well, why didn't you say so? I'm in for a scavenger hunt.”

Sunset sighed. “It's not a scavenger hunt, Rainbow.” She said, turning to her friends. “I don't know if you heard Diesel last night, but he’s after the lost engine.”

“Lost engine?” Asked Applejack. “What the hay does that mean?”

Twilight thought for a moment, then gasped. “I think the engine Diesel 10’s looking for is the same one from Sunset's dreams.” She said.

Sunset nodded. “Exactly. We have to find Lady before Diesel 10 does.” She grabbed her backpack and headed for the door. “Meet me out here in five. I'll explain to the engines what happened last night.”

“We're on it, Sunset.” Twilight said. “We'll see you in five.”

Sunset smiled, then walked out of the rail camper. She jumped from the ladder and landed on her feet, just as the engines were waking up.

Thomas was the first to speak. “Oh, man. I could hardly sleep last night.” He said, yawning. He then noticed Sunset. “Oh, good morning, Sunset Shimmer. How'd you sleep?”

Sunset walked over to the turntable, ignoring Thomas. She knew it wasn't intentional, but she wanted to sort everything out before she and her friends could get to searching for the lost engine.

Sunset took a deep breath. “So, I know last night was… crazy. But I want to explain to you all why my friends and I have magic.”

Gordon scoffed. “You better.”

“Gordon, don't be rude. She just said she will explain.” Said Edward. “Go ahead, Sunset. We're all listening.”

Sunset sighed. “The reason we have magic is because we…” She paused for a moment. She held her necklace. “We were given these magic geodes from our camp back home. It's what gives us our magic and our powers.”

The engines were intrigued. They never heard about magical necklaces that allow people to use magic or powers.

Gordon snorted. “Please, magical necklaces? That's ridiculous.” He said with a huff.

“Really, then how can I do this?” Asked Rainbow Dash. She touched her necklace, and she ponied up, sprouting pegasus wings on her back, her hair becoming long and into a ponytail, and pony ears.

Rainbow Dash then ran toward the shed wall. She ran faster, then sprang off it, flying and flipping through air before landing perfectly on her feet.

“How about now?” Rainbow asked. “Still think magic isn't real?”

Gordon blinked. He couldn't believe it. Magic was real, and Rainbow Dash was the proof of it.

“So how long have you girls had your magic?” Asked Emily.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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