Part Six, The Falls by the River

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Chapter Eleven

We hiked through the woods, following the river. I don't know how many miles of wooded land we covered but at least the trees kept it from being too hot. An hour went by before we came to a small waterfall coming down over a rocky hill. Jason said the water was pure enough to drink, it was an underground spring coming out of the rocky hillside. But we had to swim to it. There was a sandy beach behind the small waterfall.

"How did you know this place was back here, Jason?"

"I found it one day when I got mad at my dad. I was so angry I walked and walked and then when I came to this place I just jumped in and decided to investigate the place. That's when I realized the water was jetting out of a spring. I climbed the rocks to check it out."

"It's so beautiful here, Jason."

"Ya, and I don't know about you, but I am really thirsty after that long hike."

"Me too, but we have to swim over there to get a drink. I don't have a bathing suit and neither do you, Jason."

"Well, this far away from civilization, do we need a suit?"
Jason is looking at me smiling as he begins to undress.

"Jason, what are you doing?"

"I am going to swim over and get myself a drink. I suggest you do the same."
He strips down naked and runs into the water and takes off swimming to the waterfall.
"Come on, Kate, if you can't trust your brother, who can you trust?"

I can't believe I am doing this but what choice do I have. The only drinking water is across the river. So I strip off my clothes and run in and take off swimming. I sure hope this isn't a trick he's playing on me to get me naked. Drag me to church and then ravish me afterwards. Would he do that? No, he doesn't even like me very much.

So I swim over to Jason and start drinking the water as it falls, it's so cool and delicious, better than anything I tasted in the store bought water we drank on our way to the river. Water droplets are sparkling like diamonds all over his body, his hair and eye lashes, his chest and arms and I'm afraid to look any further down. He's smiling down at me with those cute dimples and sparkling eyes. God that man is gorgeous!

"Jason, is this a trick?"

"What kind of trick, Katey?" I don't know what you're talking about. We needed water, I found us some water. It's as simple as that."

"I would never do anything to you, you didn't want me to do. All you have to do is ask, Katey for whatever you need and I will do my best to take care of it. For now, let's just enjoy this moment. We're like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden."
"I wanted to touch him so bad. He looked like an angel with all those Chrystal water droplets cascading down that glorious body of his. Maybe if I just reach up and run my hand around his chin where droplets are clinging to the hairs. It's so pretty and so sexy. And those long dark eyelashes with Chrystal droplets clinging to them. That music is buzzing through my head again. That same song, 'I wanna kiss you all over and over again, til the night closes in.

I reach up and gently wipe the water droplets from his face. "God, your beautiful, Jason."

"You're not bad yourself, little lady. Can I touch you now?" Then he gently cups my face, then brings his lips down on mine. He forces his tongue into my mouth and I feel a fire igniting within me. He's too experienced at seduction. I never should have fallen into his trap. He said he wouldn't do anything unless I asked, so I should be safe. But who's going to save me from myself. I want this man inside of me so bad. He's so huge he probably wouldn't even fit. That's a scary thought. I shouldn't even be thinking about that. But it's hard not to when he's caressing my nipples and moving his tongue around in my mouth and reaching down and squeezing my ass. I'm pressed up so tight against him that huge dick is poking into me. I need to pull away and swim back across the river. But I don't want to.

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