Chapter 22

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I came to almost immediately and sat up to see a crowd around me and Harry, while the boy who hexed me was being restrained. 


My head started to throb and the yelling was getting to me.



Everyone went silent, including the boy, and looked at me. I got to my feet, pushing away the hands that tried to help me up, and walked to the boy. 

"Let him go."


"I said, Let. Him. Go."

I am done with the bullshit this year. The boys holding him back let go and he stumbled out of their reach.

"Who are you?"

He took a breath, about to scream something, but I cut him off.

"If you yell at me again, you'll never be able to eat without a straw. Get it?"

Dead silence. The boy glared at me but nodded.

"Now, who the fuck are you?"

"Harrison Bolweed."

I raised an eyebrow. 

"And why are you hexing me?"

"Because you'r-"

I grabbed his collar and pulled him close.

"Call me a fucking monster one more time, I'll end you lease on life."

The boy glare and spat at me. I wiped the gross blob off my face and glared back. 

"You're friends with the dark lord's son. You're befriending a monster. You clearly support what his father did. And I saw you with the Dark Lord's ring. A piece of his fragmented soul. You're a death eater aren't you? Pathetic."

I paused. He's a Slytherin... He saw the ring when I threw it a Mattheo. Idiot. I took a deep, exhausted, breath and calmly walked up to Bolweed. I smacked him, hard. He went stumbling back a little, holding his cheek in shock. 

"That. Is for assuming that I'm a death eater. And this-"

I  kicked him in the stomach and he thudded to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Is for hexing me. Be lucky I didn't aim for your nuts. Just because I'm friends with Riddle, and he 'tHe DaRk LoRd'S sOn', doesn't mean either of us are death eaters. You need to get your head out of your ass and think logically. And that ring you mentioned? Why the fuck would I purposly have that when anything to do with Voldemort-"

Everyone gasped and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh get over it. Anyway, anything to do with Voldemort gives me and Harry a splitting headache. Think with you're brain next time, you might surprise yourself."

Bolweed rolled over onto his knees and glared at me.

"You're a traitor. I don't trust you Potter. No one should."

"No one should trust your mouth when you're spewing shit like that."

With that, I picked up my wand, which had dropped to the floor when I fainted, grabbed Harry's arm, and walked off.  I dragged Harry out of the corridor and into the grass field along side the quidditch pitch. Harry stopped me and looked me over.

"You ok? He didn't hurt you did he?"

"I think I hurt him more."

Harry laughed and sat down on the grass, I sat down beside him and pulled out the note mo

"Hey, I need to talk to you about Moody."

"Yeah, we've got that private lesson tomorrow."

"Yeah, well... There's something wrong with him."

Harry gave me a weird look and I began to ramble, explaining all the suspicions that me and Mattheo had and what Snape had said. After I finished, Harry was looking at me with a shocked expression frozen on his face.

"Ok... Well... You make a good case. Did Snape say he would interrupt us in the meeting?"


"Well, I would never say this but, I think we gotta trust Snape. At this point he seems like the one on our side."

"Yep. Who da thunk it? We have to trust in Snape."

"Weird. "

We both looked at each other in silence and burst out laughing. It took us a few seconds to regain out composer but one look at each other unravelled that and we started laughing again. After the stress of the last few weeks this was exactly what I needed. Just a minute of pure laughter and happiness with one of the people I cared about the most. After a few minutes of trying to stop laughing, we finally regained our composer and Harry got up. 

"Wanna do some Quidditch training? Since it was cancelled for this year, might as well get some training in."


We hurried up to the castle to grab our brooms and ran into the twins and Ginny, Draco, Mattheo and Blaise, and Ron and Hermione. We managed to put a truce in place and invited them all down to play, as we had the rest of the day off. Hermione watched from the bleachers as we played a slightly uneven and ridiculous game of quidditch. Eventually, Pansy and Theo joined Hermione in the bleachers, watching as we played a very messy game of quidditch. It was the most calm and happy I had been in a while, as the Triwizard Tournament was taking a tole on me. After 2 hours, we came down. I said goodbye to the the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione, and headed with the other back to the common room. Pansy and I said goodbye to the boys and we headed up to our dorm room. I had a much needed shower, grabbed my brush and flopped onto my bed. Pansy rolled over to look at me, giving a 'knowing' look.


"So~ You gonna tell me what's going on with you and Mattheo?"

"What? What do you mean 'what's going on with me and Mattheo'?"

Pansy rolled her eyes and jumped over to my bed.

"Oh come on. I can see you two giving each other side glances, and the chemistry you two have. You're also so in sync when you place quidditch. Something's clearly going on between you two."

"We're in sync when we play quidditch cause we've been playing together so long. It's the same with me and Draco."

Pansy giggled and pulled the hair brush out of my hands, beginning to braid my hair. 

"I can do it myself Pans."

"I know. But I want you to talk to me about you and Mattheo. Come on, there must be something going on."

I went to protest but fell silent. Was there something going on between us. 

"I don't know."

"Oooo... What do you mean 'I don't know'?"

"Well, I mean... I feel... different... around him, but it doesn't seem like THAT kind of feeling. I just feel a little..."

"Closer to him?"

My face went red.

"Yeah, I guess."

Pansy giggled and probed me for more answers, that I didn't have. It was a weird way to end the day but it made me think. Do I have feelings for Mattheo Riddle

A/N - The massive thing that has been taking up most of my life is finally over and the Easter and Term holidays are coming up so hopefully I can get through more of the story (no promises though cause I have other things to complete soz)

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