Red Hood's game

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Suddenly the Joker wakes up in an unknown room 

Suddenly the Joker wakes up in an unknown room 

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Joker: Well....this is unusual. Not what I would picture waking up for Christmas presents to. But kinda like in my favorite scary movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre I can imagine it's waaaaaay humane. Hahahaha! 

Do you....EVER SHUT UP?! 

Joker looked over to see Catwoman tied up 

Joker looked over to see Catwoman tied up 

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Joker: Well well.....kitty. Those restraints tight? 

Catwoman: I'd ask you the same thing....if I didn't want you dead! 

Joker: Hehehehe....many want me dead. All but Bats. All cause he's truly incorruptible. He won't kill me out of a self righteous code especially that killed his last girlfriend who cheated on him with Harvey Dent.  And YOU cheated on him with Lex Luthor....didn't you? 

Catwoman: Shut....the FUCK up! 

Joker: Can't help it. When I can't control my hands......I can't work anything but my mouth. Speaking know how I got these scars? 

you know how I got these scars? 

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Catwoman: I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! 

Catwoman: I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! 

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