Riddle Me This

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Tim and Barbra were in the library and they did some digging on the League of Shadows

Tim and Barbra were in the library and they did some digging on the League of Shadows

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Barbra: Here we go. The League of Shadows. A terrorism secret society of revelation and descend. Theatricality and Deception. Powerful Agents to the unintuitive. Lead by the terrorist leader.....Ra's Al Ghul. Infiltrating cities believing to be corrupted. Assassinating leaders that protect them before running a destructive operation to rebuild them in their own image.  

Tim: And you think the Riddler is a member of the League of Shadows? 

Barbra: Maybe. I mean Bane was. As they even said about Deathstroke. He was Bane's Lt. And then after Bane's death Slade took over. Stealing weapons from a Government Agency. And using them to hit Gotham. If the Riddler is in league with the League of Shadows he was probably just a pawn like Johnathan Crane. 

Tim: Oh yeah

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Tim: Oh yeah. That guy gave me nightmares.

Tim's cell phone vibrated and he held it up Barbra: Something up? Tim: Yeah

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Tim's cell phone vibrated and he held it up 

Barbra: Something up? 

Tim: Yeah. Alfred's here to pick me up. Uh....you wanna meet up this weekend? 

 Barbra: Sure. We can look more into this. See if....

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