Arkham Asylum

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News of Rupert Thorne's assassination got around pretty quick suspects were unknown it was like the Kennedy Assassination only the victim was a mobster 

Even word got Arkham Asylum 

And Vicki Vale reporting live of the Thorne assassination and we hear

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And Vicki Vale reporting live of the Thorne assassination and we hear......that familiar laugh

Joker: Well well Rupy. Made more enemies than friends have you? Guess that's what your mind.....was blown. Hehehehehe....

The camera pulls out showing Joker in a high secured isolation chamber unbreakable even for him even funded by Wayne Industries 

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The camera pulls out showing Joker in a high secured isolation chamber unbreakable even for him even funded by Wayne Industries 

The camera pulls out showing Joker in a high secured isolation chamber unbreakable even for him even funded by Wayne Industries 

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Joker: So funny...this is how they lock up a rabbet animal. But don't they know any rabbet would have the most....rabbet disease? Just one bite.....would pass along like the speed of light. You would see it in their eyes don't know if you'd become a ragging zombie....or perhaps.....just die from inside failure in months you'd beg end their suffering. So wonder Ruppy. Could have someone.....END yours with the Riddler? I have doubt he'd stop chasing you. A definitely a run for my money. HeheheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


That shout from outside the cell silence the Joker's laugh but hardly whipped the grin off his face

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