The Fast and the Furious

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When we sped off to the big storage house where the other cars where we all parked our cars to the side while Dom through everyone there keys as  we went over the plan

"You guys ready because it's to late to back out " he asked us all and we just nodded

He was about to say something else but a unknown sliver van came into our veiw

"Who the hell is that?" Leon ask to no one in particular

"Maybe Jesse with a get a car " letty said shrugging

I look closely at the car and notice it was a bmw with a symbol i recognize and not just from a store or car shop i recognized it because my oh so dearest brother who suddenly rose from the dead was driving a fimilar car like that

"No im being followed and i know exactly by who" i said getting my gun from the waist of my jeans and holding it

" Wait what by who? "Letty ask

I shook my head " I dont have time to explain but i will later you guys need to get out of here now"

"Like hell were leaving you " vince said sternly

I look at dom who was glaring at the sliver van that was comimg closer and some men already running towards us

"Go i got this" i said nodding at him

"No. There like ten men versus one of you were not leaving you" letty said

I sighed and look at them " you dont have a choice but I will catch up"

And with those last words i shot at the red button above us causing them to back away and then the cage came between like a wall

"What the hell "Dom yelled at me as I saw leon try to make his way over to me but the gate sparkled with electricity

"I wouldn't do that leon it's loaded with some sick power " i said smirking but it it drop as a soon as five men dressed in black came up to me with one of them having a gun as the others stood around

" Is this is it? Only five of you and to think Alex would have a whole army oh well i guess this will jave to just do" i said smirking as the the guy with he gun came closer until he was directly in front of me

Without wasting any time i lift my leg up and knock the gun out of his hand and before he can react i punch him in face multiple times before pushing him hard until one of the other minions making both of them tumble down

One came charging at me with full force and just as he was about to tackle me i step out the way and he went flying straight into the gate. His screams of pain were muffled my the sound of his body shaking violently

I look up and saw letty gaping at me along with the others

" i thought i told you idiots to leave " i said pulling my gun out and shooting the guy who tried to sneak up on me and in the corner of my eye i saw him drop lifeless to the ground

"We are we just forgot to give you your keys" vince said

"Good toss them and leave "i said and he did and i caught it and but it in my back pocket as i heard them get in their cars and drive off

One of the dudes pick up the gun well aleast tried to but I shot him in his knees and i was going to make a smart remark but the last dude grab the gun

"But the gun down and maybe i wont kill you" he said smirking

"How generous of you " i said sarcastically and putting the gun down just as another guy came into view but he wasn't a minion he looked important with the cigar in his mouth and his expensive Grey suit

"And who the hell you might be?" I ask bored

"The name is Sony and well whatever is left of my men that are left came to talk but clearly you took the wrong route "

"When you say Sony do mean like in Sony Wonder the family entertainment for movies and games etc" i said smiling as i saw his jaw clench

"No as in Sony Jefferson the guy who can easily kill you within a blink of an eye before you can say anything " he said smiling

" well what are you waiting for then Sony " I said looking at the idoit that is still pointing a gun at me then at Sony calculating a plan in the back of my head

" You tell me sweetheart why are we here ?"he ask

"Let me guess you work for Alex . Where is he anyway i kind of miss his brown incredible straight  hair"

"Bingo and sadly he couldn't join us today he has somewhere to be so its me and you and Robert " He said glancing at the guy beside me

" So he sends his dogs to chase me down how ...unfortunate " i said smiling

"You know he's your brother your blood and family and you treat him as if he doesn't even exist "

"How can i not say he doesn't exist when we have the same color eyes and hair and he walks the same earth im on and  maybe if you knew the whole damn story you wouldn't be complaining" i said

"So what now you gonna kill me or try to make more conversation " i said when he remained quiet

" He was right about you know so full of words and irresistible" he said throwing his cigar on the floor

"Umm did he also tell you to try to kill me "

"Technically that wasnt supposed to happen you obviously took it the wrong way and they were force to retaliate"

I scoffed "I took it the wrong way ? You guys were the ones who ran up on me all suited and with a weapon. So i reacted like most people would do and you know what im getting pretty bored and fed up so this is how its going to go your friend and you will walk away and let me go and you guys can go make to your master who probably worried about his bitches"

He through his head back laughing non stop while i tilt my head and watch him

"Your hilarious you are but im afraid i cant do that princess " he said wiping a tear from his eye

"Okay but dont say i didn't warn you princes "

And with that i pickup my gun from the floor and shot Robert between his eyes before he even notice whats going on i watched him fall on the floor with blood pouring out of his face .I picked up his gun and pointed my gun and the other one in my hand at Sony who face was priceless

" Im not going to kill you Sony i actually quite found a liking in you " i said smirking at his pale face

For someone who suppose to be all big and bad second in command he sure is a pussy

"Then what are you going to do ?" He asked regaining his true color back

"Im sending a message and i think your perfect for it" I said holding up the gun and pulling the trigger watching both bullets go through both of his shoulders before he fell to his kness and clenched his wounds

"Have a nice day Sony ill be seeing you soon" i said putting the guns in my waist of my jeans before running off to the temporary car and starting the engine before speeding down the road rolling over bodies that were in my way

Off to business °

Hey guys i know its been a while simce since inlast updated and for that im sorry but between studying for finals and regents I never had time to but now i do and I hope you still are staying with me♡♡

Love you guys ♢♡♤

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