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"this is your lucky day." he finally let go and looked at kaylee sighing while she just waved innocently at him.


Jenny pov

"let's go sweetheart. Seegson comms is in the SysTech Spire. It's quite a distance, but we can get to a transit trough the freight area. But watch yourself and the kid. We can get into all sorts of trouble there. Okay?" Axel said as i opened the door, we started to walk and it was too silent so i started to talk to kaylee "were you the one running around me when i got here?" she turned to me "yeah, sorry." she said "no worries." as we were walking we saw a light coming from one of the elevator and axel looked at us "stay close to me." he said as he taked out his gun and pointed it at two people "hey! Don't move!" he said to them "o-okay! Okay! We're not looking for trouble! Who are you?" a girl asked and axel replied "i'm santa claus - they are elves." (sorry this is the italian version of the sentence i had to write this, it was too funny) the girl looked at us confused as the guy spoke "they're just some assholes! We haven't got time for this! Come on, jana!" the guy returned to work to make the elevator work "we're trying to get to comms. Can you help us?" i asked them "we don't need their help." axel said "Don't tell them anything! Look, i've got the elevator working. Jana, let's go. Okay?" the guy said "i-i'm sorry. Good luck." the girl managed to say before the doors closed "what the hell was that about? Why are you so damn aggressive?" i asked axel irritated by his temper "everyone's running shit-scared, keeping to their own. Safer that way." he started to walk again as me and kaylee followed him "hope this ship of yours is the real McCoy." axel said out of nowhere. We continued to walk until we were in front of a non-working elevator "hold up, let me get the elevator. Allow me. Place is old, needs a special touch." he pressed some buttons and the door opened, we all got inside and selected the floor we wantet to get, the doors closed as the elevator started "keep the noise down around here, there might be people around." axel said seeing that we were almost on the floor "i'd appreciate it if you told me what the hell is going on this station. Right now." kaylee taked my hand in hers to calm me down "listen, darlin', when we get to your ship we can kick back, braid each other's hair and chat all you want." he replied "yeah, when we get to my ship. I need to know what's going on. Right fucking now." i said not in a very calm way "fine. Like i said, there's a killer." he told again "a killer? What does that even mean?" i asked annoyed "i ain't seen it, but it's here. Picking us off one by one." he sounded very serius now "what are you saying? A psycho? A person?" i asked again "no. Something else. A monster." i looked a moment at kaylee and she looked back nodding at what axel said, the doors of the elevator opened in that moment and we all walked out. We continued to walk for a while until we started to hear someone talking and axel told us to hide, two people appeared from the left of the hallway "shit! We need to move! This way!" axel whispered-yelled to us as he started to open a vent, i made kaylee go in front of me and we started to all crawl in the only direction possible "friends of yours?" i asked "i've had run-ins with those guys before. They don't like strangers, even nice guys like me." he said "i'm shocked." i said sarcastic "i ain't pulling your chain, darling. You want to go and say hello, it's your funeral. Those guns aren't for show." he said refferring to the guns they were holding "someone should be doing something." kaylee said "i agree." i said "they are. It's called surviving. Everyone's turning on each other. The fear... It makes people crazy." axel said "i've noticed." i rolled my eyes while saying this, we finally came to the exit of the vent and one by one we got out finding ourself in some kind of hidden shelter "you've been... Living here?" i asked "what can i say? My butler's on holiday. Grab what you need; you don't know when you'll get another chance." he replied, i looked around me taking what could be useful, like a backpack "i can hold it for you if you want." kaylee offered "no i can hold it." i smiled at her but she shoocked her head "i'll hold it." she took the backpack and positioned it on her shoulders "you sure?" i asked her and she nodded, axel Interrupted our conversation "it can get pretty dark around here. You girls should take that flashlight over there." he said pointing at two flashlights, me and kaylee looked at it and then we taked it "just be careful not to flash it around. We don't want to get caught." he continued looking especially at kaylee "let's go." i said and axel entered another vent as we followed "this way." we immediatly got out of it finding ourselfs in a very dark zone, perfect for our new flashlights "what now?" kaylee asked "i'll watch the vent. There's another vent round here somewhere. I marked it so i wouldn't forget it." axel responded "i'll look for it." i said as i started to search it "i hate this place" i heard axel said under his breath from the other room. I finally found the vent "Axel, is this it?" i asked him as he made his way to me with kaylee following "i knew it was here somewhere. See? Got it covered." he said as he started to try open it. Finally he did it and we all entered it "it's not smart to stay in here too long." axel said after we were all in "this the way everyone travels around here?" i asked "just those that want to stay alive, sweetheart." axel responded, then continued "torrens, so that's your ship, eh?" i nodded even if he couldn't see my face in that moment "quiet! I hear something!" axel whispered-yelled, we all stopped at a grate and saw two armed people speaking "yeah, i hear you. Will do." one of them said "got to go meet the others. Something's going down." the same guy said "there's always something going down." the other one replied "come on, we don't want to piss him off." the first one that spoke said as they slowly started to walk away "follow me." axel said after they got away and we all started to crawl again. We exited the vent after we were sure everything was clear and started to walk again, unfortunately the only way was the one were the guys went "okay, got to be quiet here - don't shine that flashlight." axel said pointing at the guys in the other room "hold up." he whispered as we entered the room and hid behind some boxes "what's the emergency?" one guy asked the others "Someone else has been here. Everyone stay alert. Keep your guns tight. Shoot anyone you don't know." another said "got it." a girl said "stick around while i check our stock." the same guy said "they're armed. Too many of them to take on." axel said "take on?" i asked him confused "we've still got to get trough there. The door at the end!" he replied pointing at the door on the other side of the room "let's try to distract them." kaylee suddently said "you're right. The generator. If that went down, they'd have to check it out. Kaylee you're smaller than us, you'll make less noise." axel said "no she's not going, i am." i said "don't worry, jenny. I can do it, i promise." kaylee said taking my hand for a moment before making her way more into the room.

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