Chapter 49

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Rhi gasps as she quickly sits up and feels her side to find that her wound was now gone.


She could feel him, however, he was no where to be one was.

Just as she was about to teleport to Loki, Rhi sees a blue blur stop in front of her.

"Rhi!" Pietro shouts as he pulls her in for a hug

"Pietro! Oh thank goodness. Is anyone else here?"

"Yeah, I'll bring you to them." He says as he picks her up and rushes her over to the rest of the team which consisted of Wanda, Sam, T'Challa, and Bucky.

Wanda rushes over to her and engulfs her in a hug. "I'm sorry! I should've stayed in the lab."

"No." Rhi pulls away. "I'm the one who should be sorry. We probably could've avoided all of this, if I had just been upfront and told you what would happen."

Before anyone else could say anything an orange portal appears before them.

"Strange?" Rhi questions "What's going on? Where's the rest of the team?"

"In short, it's been 5 years since Thanos won." Everyone gasps. "The team is currently in New York, right now, fighting Thanos and they need our help, so we have to hurry!"

Everyone nods and prepares themselves as Dr. Strange gets ready to open another portal.

"Wait!" Rhi touches his arm to form a telepathic connection with him. "Is it really possible? Can we really defeat him?"

He sighs. "There's only one. One chance out of 14 million instances that I saw this work."

"Only one? Well what is it? What do we have to do?"

"If I tell won't happen."

"Then, show me." Rhi says as she holds up her hand with her magic. Strange shakes his head. "Stephen...please, I need to know." He sighs and nods for her to look so she touches his temples and gets flashes of what Strange was referring

Damn right that's not going to happen, Rhi makes sure to think to herself as she pulls away. "Thank you."

He nods and starts opening the portal to New York.

T'Challa and the Wakandan army are the first to go through, followed by Sam, Wanda and Pietro, and Bucky.

Rhi takes a deep breath and steps through, immediately looking around to see if she could see Loki.

Now through the portal she looks around at the ruins of the compound and sees more portals forming as more people are coming through to fight against Thanos and his army.

"Avengers!" She hears Steve shout. "Assemble!"

Everyone charges forward and the fight begins. After searching for Loki for a bit while fighting, Rhi decides to just teleport to where Loki is and finds him, now using Hofund, fighting off multiple enemies at once. Rhi uses her magic to help him and blast the enemies away. Upon seeing her magic Loki immediately turns around and slowly walks towards her.

"Mitt vakre lys..." Loki says softly as tears fill his eyes.

"Hey, mischief." Rhi smiles

"I thought..." Loki gently cups her face. "I thought I lost you forever." He says in disbelief.

"All of this, wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine, but-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, Loki pulls her in for a passionate kiss.

Both Loki and Rhi sigh in relief as they feel each other's energies flow into one another again.

When Loki finally pulls away,  he leans his forehead against hers and grabs her hands.

"I swear, on my life, that I shall never leave your side again., for as long as I live."

"Damn right you won't. 'Cause if you ever do that to me again, I will not hesitate to kill you."

Loki chuckles. "I'd expect nothing less."

Suddenly canons from the above warships start firing down on the battle field. Using their combined magic, Loki and Rhi place a shield above them to block the incoming fire.

"He truly is mad..." Rhi says in disbelief as she watches Thanos' troops also being fired upon.

After a few blasts Rhi spots Mjolnir fly by with a person is a red suit holding the stones in a makeshift gauntlet.

"We need to get the stones!"

Loki nods and, while still holding their shield up, they run towards where the stones are and see them with Valkyrie, who was now flying on a Pegasus.

"Val!" Rhi shouts. "Over here!"

Val flies down under their shield. Once she lands, Rhi is surprised once she notices the person in the red suit was just a kid.

Poor guy is scared shitless...

"Hi...I-I'm Peter Parker."

"Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" He quickly nods his head and hands Rhi the gauntlet. 

"Come on, let's go!" Rhi quickly turns to Loki and teleports them both to their spot by the lake before he could even answer. 

"Why did you bring us here?" Loki questions

"So Dr. Strange wouldn't try and stop us."

"Who?" Loki looks at her in confusion.

"A sorcerer...anyways...he said there was only one chance out of the 14 million scenarios he saw, in which we could win against Thanos." She pauses for a moment. "And according to him, that one chance, was my Dad using the stones..."

"But the power from just one of those stones would be enough kill him, let alone all six!" Loki says with a bit of anger behind his voice.

"I know, that why I brought us here."

"Darling, I still don't understand..."

Rhi lets out a deep sigh. "I...i think this is what the stone had in store for us. The reason why it brought us together...gave us its that we could be the one to wield the gauntlet...together."

Loki sighs as well. "The stones are powerful. If we do this, we might not survive." He pauses to gently stroke her face with his fingers. "I just got you back. I don't want to lose...not again."

"I know." Rhi says as tears start to form in her eyes. "But now we have the chance to put an end this once and for all."

Loki kisses her forehead grabs her hand so they activate the mind stones powers that flows inside them. He then goes to put the gauntlet on but Rhi stops him.

"Wait..." Rhi looks up at Loki and forms a layer of frost on her body.

"Clever girl." Loki chuckles as he realizes what she's doing and shifts into his jotun form before sliding on the gauntlet.

They both groan in pain as the power from the stones courses through their veins.

"That's...not so bad." Loki strains causing Rhi to chuckle. "Ready?" He pants

Rhi nods as she uses her free hand to cup Loki's face. "Together."

Loki smiles down at her. "Together." He smiles as he places on final kiss on her lips and snaps his fingers, engulfing them in a bright white light.


Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now