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"Hey if I am not too drunk isn't that Seyran?"

I turned my head in the direction of Pelin's voice. Squinting my eyes thrice to clear any confusion and to get out of my drunk trance I saw her on the table. She was swaying her body around with this unknown guy in this skimpy dress and dishevelled air on that damn table while everyone was applauding for them.

Before I could divert my eyes and my boiling veins,my eyes caught her in his arms?

All I heard was a huge hue and cry and a tipsy Seyran throwing fit at me before I literally lifted her up on my shoulder from that table and that fancy bodybuilder guy.

"What's wrong with you? You're going to be the Korhan bride. My brother's wife in a couple of months. Scratch that you're getting engaged next week and look at you here dancing in bars with strangers with such seduction and nastiness. And then she wonders why my brother avoids her." I rasped.

"Really? Where's your brother then if cares so much? Where is he?"
She shouted back.

"Tell me! And who are you  to question me? You never questioned your brother when he was attending his ex's birthday? And today when he should've been with me on my special day. Where is your fucking brother?" She cried almost hysterical.
"Where's he ? Huh? With Asuman right?" I gulped and my reaction was the answer for her.

"You know why because Asuman doesn't stick her body around with any stranger in this skimpy outfit all wasted." I shouted my mind playing that scenario again and again. I had lost my nuts when I saw her like that. I knew I shouldn't have said those words but it was too late.

It's always been too late.

She just nodded painfully at me biting her lips,her tears streaming down her cheeks. She started hitting me.
‎"This is what you wanted. Right? Are you happy now?..."
‎ I tried to contain her but of no use.
She was distraught, totally wasted.

‎She almost tripped on the sand when I held her by her waist. She clung onto me holding me tight to support her addled body from hitting the ground. I immediately removed my hand from her bare cold waist.

"He doesn't love me. He doesn't.." she wailed. Her eyes red and puffed. She looked helpless and miserable. I could feel my heart clenching at the sight.
"Seyran .. it's not like that..I can explain."

"Everyone's here for us..but he isn't. They're talking about us, asking about him." She kept on repeating these words,shaking her head,stepping backwards. She was out of breath.
"Seyran listen." I tried holding her hand that after a few attempts of refusal,she let me.The next thing, I removed my blazer and covered her with it.

"Seyran look it's not like what you think. You know they are colleagues. So they had work. Really and he..."

"Seyran!" I looked at her. She was fazed and cold. Her eyes lacking a sight of life.
"Seyran look at me." I lifted her chin up. I felt my insides churning at the sight of her tired face. The most beautiful eyes that used to dazzle and light up the murkiest nights were so lost now. I felt tears pooling my eyes. The next moment, I knew she was hugging me.

I hugged her back.

As tightly as possible.I tried to squeeze out all of her angst. I hesitated before rubbing her back but did it anyway. Saying comforting words in her ears,I tried to pacify her but her tears wouldn't stop.

"Seyran please stop. Everything's alright. Really!" I held her face that looked so timid in my hands,I removed a few strands of her hair from her face that had stuck in because of the wetness of her tears.

She just stared at me, unfazed.

"Seyran" We were close but I was too busy in comforting her to notice our proximity.

For a moment I snapped back and started noticing how we were clinging to each other. How intoxicating her scent was. How heavenly she had looked today in that dress. How beautifully it clung to her body and flaunted her curves. How sensual her moves were. I noticed how our faces were just inches apart. I was holding her face in my hands. She was in a blazer that belonged to me. We were alone on this beach far away from that resort. Until now I was hearing the waves crashing down but now all I could hear was the sound of my heartbeats. I gulped in anticipation and no matter how hard I tried to resist, my eyes fell down on her lips. They were parted.
If only...

I could hear my heart skipping beats when her eyes fell over my lips.
No. It's not what I think it is.

She stared at my lips. And then in my eyes. I saw desperation and angst in her green orbs. The silence between us was too loud. My mind was having a hard battle with my heart.

And then I froze,I felt her lips on mine.

I had chugged down three bottles of water in a row yet I felt thirsty and suffocating. I was sweating so hard.

"You think it's a good idea?" Pelin handed me another glass of water.
"I don't know. I couldn't have taken her to my house neither to her house because of the paps and all and it would've been really weird to book a hotel at this hour. So..."
"Okay come on relax. Calm down first." She rubbed my back.
"Pelin,I need some time alone. I really am tired." I removed her hand sensing her intentions. She frowned.

"Alright then. We can sleep"
"Not together "
" Ferit you really saving this for our wedding." She laughed.
"Pelin look don't do this. I need personal space and I am clearly not in the mood of jokes. You have spare room well and good,if you don't. I got my car" I retorted.

"Okay. C'mon stop being cranky like that. And don't pretend not to know I have got only two rooms and both of them are occupied. So yeah maybe you can do something with the couch in the drawing room"

" Alright " was all I added before heading downstairs.

It was three in the morning and there was no sleep in my eyes.
I messed up real bad this time.
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