Chapter 5

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Chrissy's POV
I'm in such a complicated spot.

Joe and his confession and my engagement with Cameron. I got a week to figure this all out. According to what Joe told me. When I looked into Joe's eyes and when he showed up at my house, he means business. I'm really fucked up and I don't know how to tell Camron.

He's been out for his job for bout four days and is returning home. I'm gonna tell him.

Tell him that I am no longer interested in the engagement and we should call it off.

But after everything we been through, the stuff, the gifts and the promises we made, feels like it's being flushed down the toilet.

Fuck! I feel like an awful person.

I feel like this is so wrong to do. I don't have anyone to talk about this. Anaya doesn't even know about my feelings towards Joe and I know what she gonna say and she's not gonna approve.

She will nag me like a mother would and tell me how stupid I am for falling for Joe and not sticking to a good man like Cameron. Cameron is a good man but he's barley around for me.

I don't even feel like this is even a real engagement anymore. It's been like this for years on years and I'm quite sick of it.

Suddenly the door opens and I hear keys rattling in the living room.

"Babe! I'm finally home!" I hear Cameron's voice shouting.

I walk into the living to him and smile, giving him a hug as Cameron kissed my cheek and smiled at me. I smiled back but it was fake.

All of it was fake.

"How was work? Did you get everything finished?" I asked him.

"Yes, but I don't wanna talk about work right now babe. I've been gone for days and I haven't seen you. Let's talk about you." He says and I muster up a smile and nodded.

We sit at the couch

"Cameron, I think we should-"

"Hold that thought baby." Cameron stopped me as his phone began to ring. "Hey mom, I was waiting for your call. How is everything?" He said.

I ball up my fist and held my tongue as I remembered Cameron's mother is doing too well in terms of health. Cameron works hard to take care of her so she can live longer. Cameron's mother had poor lungs, liver issues because she use to drink heavily and weak Kidneys. She spent a good portion of her life in the hospital.

After listening in to how Cameron was speaking to his mother and how much he cares for her, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I couldn't tell him I might be in love with someone else.

"I'm sorry about that baby. What was it you wanted to tell me?" Cameron eventually got off the phone and asked me.

I snapped out of whatever I was in.

"I wanted to tell you that.......learn how to cook more." I lied.

"Really, you're gonna tackle on cooking?" He raised his eye brow, amused of what I am telling him.

I nodded. "Sure yeah....I thought it would be a good skill to learn now." I said to him.

"I'm proud of you Baby." He said as he stand up from the couch, kissing my cheeks. "I'm gonna take a nap. I'm exhausted." Cameron yawned as he walked to our bed room.

The moment he closed the door, I realized how hard it's really gonna be to tell him the truth. I reached for my phone and called my sister because she's the only person I can talk to about this. I made sure I called her in my Cameron's home office room so he wouldn't be able to hear me.

"Hey Sis!" Cailyn's voice spoke cheery over the phone.

"Cailyn, Joe came over to my house and he gave me a week or else he might tell Cameron or do something. I don't know. I'm just confused." I spoke very fast.

"Wait slow down. Joe showed up at your house and he's gonna tell Cameron what?"

"He wants me to leave him and be with him officially. He gave me a week to leave Cameron."

"A week? This man Joe crazy if he telling you to leave your fiancé."

"Well what should I do?" I asked her.

"I would stay with Cameron. You don't need that kind of toxic in your life. Cameron maybe busy but I'm sure once y'all married, he'll be more free to be with you." She said to me.

"But I.........don't think I love Cameron the same." I admitted.

"Chrissy, are you hearing yourself? I know what I said about Joe at the penthouse was a little too far but i didn't mean any of it. I was just talking out my ass but now you planning on going along with it" Cailyn told me.

"You seemed for real when you said it."

"And you believed it! If you don't say something and soon, the big Samoan man is gonna show up at your house again and he's gonna ruin everything. "

"Ruin what?"

"Ruin you and your life. I was meeting to tell you what I found about him. I over heard his conversation just on our last day at his penthouse. He has an ex wife and a child, that he can't even see for a reason I'm sure ain't good. Think about it Sis? He was denied access because he did something harmful to his child." She exposed to me.

"That's a little too far Cailyn. We don't know that."

"That's another thing. He's so handsome and rich yet, he's divorced. He obviously cheated on his wife because men like him aren't satisfied. Just listen to me Chrissy. You don't need that kind of burden in your life. You're good with Cameron and you and him are planning to get married soon."

Hearing all this makes me not sure what to believe. I'm a huge fan of Joe as a wrestler and I grew to like him as a person and he's such a sweet heart and can be kinda demanding but he's a man and they are dominant people.

"I know the thought may sound fun and exciting but it's not healthy. If anything, he's just gonna cheat on you in the end." She tells me.

"Okay, and Joe should stay as friends. Everything you're saying sounds bad. I don't know what I was thinking. Staying with Cameron is a right choice. Plus he loves me." I said making my decision.

"Good, now I have to get ready for work. We'll talk soon." My sister says and she hangs up the phone.

Leave it to my sister to snap me back in check. I don't know what I was thinking. Joe and I can't together and I just need to focus on myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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