
"Why?" Minho groaned annoyed, it was always about his sexuality. Never his mental health, never his problems, never his feelings, only his sexuality.

"Because. Im not raising a fag son." Shindong said sternly, too bad, he already did.

"Dad. You know I cant just control that?" Minho said calmly trying not to have his father blow up and hit him. Which was rare because Minho knew how to hold his tongue.

"Minho, I know. But we need you to try to get rid of those feelings." Minhos mother said softly, despite her words she was shaking her head. Something she only did to tell Minho and Felix not to do what she said.

"I can try. I wont promise anything because I am interested in a boy." Minho sighed ready for anything and everything.

"What!? We literally just told you n-"

"Shindong honey. I hate to undermine you like this but im tired. Tired of lying to my sons." She sighed tiredly, "Minho go get Felix."

Minho nodded leaving the room with hundreds of thought running through his mind.

Lying to us? What has she been lying to us about? And why do I need Felix?

Minho opened Felixs door, their conversation instantly being exposed.

"- hand around my throat." Jisung groaned screaming when he saw Minho.

"Exposed my dude." Beomgyu laughed loudly at Jisungs reaction.

"How much did you hear?" Jisung panicked trying to hide his super pink face.

"Only the hand around your throat part. Nothing more nothing less. Felix mom wants us." Minho chuckled shaking his head at Jisungs relieved expression.

"Okay. You two dont make out while im gone." Felix joked standing up and following Minho. "Whats this about?"

"Moms been lying to us about something and shes going to tell us right now." Minho shrugged giving Felix the most information he could.

"Okay then." Felix shrugged following Minho into their parents bedroom.

"Sit." Shindong ordered, his boys listening to to him like usual.

"Okay boys, this is a conversation your father will be here for but not participating in." She glared at Shindong when he opened his mouth to speak.

They both nodded confused as to what was going on.

"I dont give two flying fucks who you date. Boy, girl, non-binary, hell even someone who goes by neo-pronouns. If you love them, I love them. I was worried about making your father unhappy. Then I remember he drunk drove and killed two kids. Teenagers, 17 and 16. Their names were Seungmin and Changbin. He destroyed their families, because he thought drunk driving was a good idea. That Han Jisung boy, his mother divorced her ex husband remarried and had Jisung. His mother is Seungmins mother, poor girl was pushed to her limit. I dont know what Jisung is going through but it cant be good. Based off of what his mothers suicide note said, talking about an abusive husband and being raped. I doubt Jisungs father isnt home. Also Minho, youre lucky Jisung seems oblivious. Its obvious you like him, this is the first person YOU brought over after letting Chan and Jimin over after two years of friendship. Felix you too, I know you and Jimin are talking. Both of you boys are hella obvious. What im really trying to say is, your father is a fuckface. And a shitty excuse for a father and husband. So, love who you love. Dont let his fragility get to you, its going to make you horrible people." She raised her hand to hit Shindong when he opened his mouth to talk.

Neither Felix or Minho had seen him close his mouth that quickly.

"Now, you boys are free to go." She turned to Shindong, "Raise your hand to hit my boys again and I will fucking kill you. Im done cowering in your shadow and being pathetic."

They walked out scared of their mother. It was awfully quiet, seeing how Felix left his door open. And it was still open.

Felix walked in his room closing it behind him, Minho walking to his room. Jumping when he saw Jisung in there.

"Woah Jisung, why are you in here?" Minho said softly noticing the younger looked sad and teary eyed.

"Beomgyu yelled at me." He sniffled wiping his eyes sadly. He hugged his knees to his chest as he sat against Minhos headboard.

"Wanna talk about it?" Minho sat next to Jisung on the bed waiting for a response. When Jisung nodded Minho gently held his hand.

"We were talking about things and then it got sort of serious and I was talking about my mom, offing herself in front of me and he seemed to care. Then I told him about what my dads been doing and he yelled at me for not trying to fight back. Even though I told him my dad hits me harder when I fight back." Jisung couldnt hold it in anymore, bursting in tears when he finished.

Minho sighed pulling Jisung onto his lap, Ji straddled Minho. The younger wrapping his arms around Minhos shoulders and burying his face in his neck. Minho gently rubbed Jisungs back to make the younger feel more comfortable.

"You need to let him know how thats making you feel." Minho softly spoke, like Jisung was a flower petal about to crumble.

Jisung cried, staying on Minhos lap as he slowly fell asleep.

A/N: i genuinely love writing this book

love you

word count: 915 words

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