
"Hyung im sorry." Jisung instantly wrapped Minho in a hug, the older sighed hugging Jisung back.

"Ji stop, I told you im okay." Minho held Jisungs face in his hands, making the younger look him in the eyes.

"But I hurt you?" Jisung pouted his hands still around Minhos waist.

"Ji, I promise you its okay. I would have let go if it hurt, promise." Minho reassured his voice soft as he spoke.

"Pinky promise?" Jisung held up his pinky causing Minho to smile at his action. The older held his own pinky up interlocking them in a promise.

"Are you tir-"

"Hyung, oh my god!" Felix bursted into the room seeing the one hand Jisung had on Minhos waist, Minhos hand on the youngers cheek still.

"Felix its not surprising at this point. Anyways, wanna have a movie night?" Beomgyu rolled his eyes noticing Jisungs excitement at the mention of a movie night.

"Yes please! Hyungie can we?" Jisung turned to Minho basically jumping for joy as he did so.

"Of course, you dont have to ask Sungs." Minho laughed interlocking their fingers on one hand and walking towards Felix and Beomgyu.

"Bring Jimin and Taehyun! We could have a couples movie night." Jisung smiled widely at the thought, Felix frowned looking at them.

"But you two arent dating?" Felix looked at Jisung who frowned looking at Minho.

"We could be."

What the fuck is wrong with me.

"Felix, we need to give them some alone time." Beomgyu dragged Felix out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Sorry. That probably made you uncomfortable." Minho apologized letting go of Jisungs hand and covering his face, which was bright red but so was Jisungs.

"Did you mean it?" Jisung whispered looking up at Minho with his giant puppy eyes. The ones Minho loved so fucking much.

"Y- yea." Minho uncovered his face to look down at Jisung, expecting a grossed out face. Or even a slap across the face, but no, Jisung was smiling. That infamous heart smile.

"So you, like like me?" Jisung whispered the smile never disappearing as he waited for Minhos answer.

"Yea, I do. A lot." Minho smiled back getting caught off guard by Jisung hugging him.

"Me too."

"So, do you want to be my boy-"

"Yes." Jisung smiled looking up at Minho with the biggest smile plastered on his face. Minho smiled back holding Jisung tighter to him.

"God youre so cute when youre happy." Minho continued looking down at Jisung with the biggest smile ever. He was definitely telling Jimin and Bangchan about this.

"Should we go downstairs for movie night?" Jisung blushed trying to deflect the conversation from embarrassment.

"Before that, can I kiss you?" Minho nodded looking at Jisung who nodded.

Minho kissed Jisung, capturing the youngers lips in a soft manner. Nothing mattered around them anymore. Just eachother, the way they were holding on to eachother.

Too bad they needed to breathe. They pulled away smiling at eachother. Minho grabbed Jisungs hand walking towards the door.

"Couples movie night?"

"Yea." Jisung ripped open the door running out dragging Minho behind him with a huge smile. The older following with a small smile.

"Whats up lovebirds." Taehyun waved from where he was sitting with Beomgyu in his lap. Jimin and Felix smiled from where they were too sitting next to eachother.

"So Jimin, have you told him?" Minho sat down on the couch, Jisung sitting on the floor in front of him. Minhos hands instantly playing around with the youngers hair.

"Can I be honest?" Jimin sighed looking at Felix who nodded. The other four boys looked up at them confused.

"Spit it out Jimin."

"So, the entire time I was ranting about Felix and how cute he was, we were talking. And then we hung out confessed, kissed, all that cute soft shit. Im surprised you didnt realize sooner, fucking dumbass. Its been two weeks." Jimin smirked at the dropped jaws, Jisung glaring at Felix.

"Lix. Why didnt you tell me?" Jisung pouted angrily still glaring into Felixs soul.

"Remember when I told you I thought he would be good in bed? We fucked right before that." Felix bursted out laughing at the gasp Jimin let out.

Everybody started laughing when Jimin stuttered instead of being able to talk.

"OH MY GOD!" Jisung jumped up going to attack Felix, talk about TMI..

Minho grabbed Jisungs waist pulling him backwards knowing Felix would win. Jisung landed on Minhos lap, falling backwards onto Minhos chest.

A/N: finally only took 19 chapters smh

hope you enjoyyyy

word count: 770 words

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