𝒳𝒱𝐼𝐼𝐼. 𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓇𝒸𝒽 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓈

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Act Two; Chapter Eighteen

Word Count: 2563

[Season Two, Episode One]

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[Season Two, Episode One]

Night had fallen, forcing the trio of Jules, Eve, and an injured Sophia to move to a more secure location—or, well, a spot in the woods where they could set up camp and have decent advantage points in all directions.

Currently, Sophia was fast asleep, laying her head on Eve's lap. The latter absentmindedly, running her fingers through the former's hair in a brushing manner. Meanwhile, Eve rested her head on Jules's right shoulder as the blonde kept a vigilant eye out for any potential threats and uncontrollably bounced her leg.

"You can go to sleep, you know?" Jules whispered, "There is no reason we should both be utterly exhausted when morning comes." She quietly joked with a hint of a laugh.

"No, I'm good," Eve softly replied, shaking her head slightly, gazing up at the star-filled Georgian country skyline. "Besides, I don't think I could, even if I wanted to."

After saying that Eve's gaze ever so subtly went to Sophia for a brief moment, concern lacing her irises while doing so. Now, despite not outwardly showing it, Eve still felt immense guilt over not being able to save Amy. So the mere concept of failing Sophia, like she had with Amy, absolutely terrified her.

Then somehow, as if she were reading Eve's mind, Jules said, "We're going to make it out of here."

"I know."

Jules could sense the unsure weariness in her friend's voice, so she playfully jested, "Careful there; you're soundin' like a real Debbie Downer."

An reminiscent, humored smile formed across Eve's lips as she let out a short, quiet laugh. Next, she glanced over at Jules and raised a teasing brow. "So like you then?"

Breathless chuckles escaped Jules whilst she slightly shook her head in disbelief and amusement. "Yeah, like me."

The two shared a hushed laugh, then once it ceased and a moment had passed, Jules hopefully insisted, "But for real, we're going to make it out of here. Either the group finds us or we find our way back to them. We're going to make it."

Eve nodded while, this time with certainty. "I know."

"Good," Jules favorably uttered prior to dotingly instructing, "Now go to sleep; you need it."

Too exhausted to be stubborn and argue over the topic, Eve nodded in agreement, took her hand away from Sophia's head and finally closed her heavy eyelids. "Alright, you win," A yawn escaping her,"Night Jules."

"Night, Evie."

Following that, Jules looked down at her right wrist that wore Jacqui's watch and, with heartbroken, reminiscent eyes, traced the frame. Tears then began to trickle down Jules cheeks, her lips quivering whilst she formed a sad smile. "Night, Jacqui."

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