USJ attack (Part 2)

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(authors note): yes I know, I know, You guys probably don't want to see a authors note every time I'm updating, but it's just mostly fill you in on information. I didn't post yesterday because I got a haircut, And in the first time for years I have seen my self short haired again. Anyways let's continue this show that still doesn't have over 700 views even though it's number 3 on a ranking.

(Continuation of the story): A dark misty man appears behind as we all snap our heads back towards him, As hobo was about to attack, Two hot headed maniacs one being a Pomeranian and the other a red head "Cool guy" rush to attack the villain. I watch dumbfounded as two of our classmates get's us fucked over by thinking there hot shit. The villain gave a weird little speech and use something that I think is his quirk, Some sort of teleportation then, I think.

I was teleported with this frog girl and the weird little pervert into a ship on a simulated sea for one of the disaster's. Before I could think any further the other two start yapping. "I got you guys" frog girl says in her accent picking us out of the water, As she does that multiple villains start to surround the ship. "They must be here because they're quirks have something to do with water they wouldn't target us without having a advantage unless there stupid, But they don't know our quirks yet so we can still have the element of sur-" My mumbling was cut off by the frog girl. "Hey Midoriya shut up your mumbling too much" She said in the something that I take as rudeness.

The camera cuts to a Candy cane looking haircut, He was in some sort of landslide surrounded by villains but easily taking care of them using his frosty ice, He was saying some stuff and thought he was cool but he was indeed NOT COOL. The camera cuts to 3 people in the same area as Candy cane, A Pikachu looking boy was doubting himself until he got fucking punted into one of the villains electrocuting them. The music girl blasted some sound waves, Pikachu got sucker punched in the face then also becoming dumb as a rock after giving hell to every single villain around him.

The camera then cuts showing multiple different scenes showing eraser head losing his god damn elbow, A shocked broccoli and a the pro hero 13 literally almost killing herself through the warp villains attack. The sonic rip - off thinking he's the main character runs towards the door trying to open it. The camera goes about showing the two hotheads earlier and a invisible dude, While on the other hand animal speaker and rivalry in the darkness are taking down people together.

We cut back to broccoli boy watching Aizawa getting clapped by the Nomu, He wasn't just gonna watch this poor hobo get murdered he had to do something, Time for his new ultimate moves to go to use, He thinks flying towards the Nomu with his super flight. Connecting the punch that's should've shattered it jaw did nothing but give him a small slap. Izuku back's away to think for a slit second making up his mind he kicks hobo out of the way before making up his mind to use Frost Fire flash and ultimately doing nothing, Again. "What the hell dude!" I shout backing away again seeing the shit eating grin on the walking eczema on standby.

"Welp I guess I'll leave it to the gruesome pack of wolves" I mumble leaving a confused face on the hurt hobo. (Just go with the next part) I slow down time and summon as much wolves or any type of deadly creature, Surprisingly they are unaffected by the time guess it's a addition to my quirk. I watch as the 5 seconds pass but the Nomu getting tore apart and ate before time could resume, And as it did the last piece of flesh or blood was licked up by the wolves leaving shocked villains and a not exhausted me (The skill version of time stop limits it to 5 seconds without any drawbacks)

Alright ima leave it off here and pick back up tomorrow, I have a favor to ask I haven't worked on this story in a week and kind of forgot all the moves so could anyone list it in the comments for me so I can adjust the story to make it better, Thank you and goodbye :D (PS I'm also still open for suggestions)

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