..... NEW BEGINNING.....

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Mel's  P. O. V
I feel bad for leaving Mandy stranded at the airport.
I was soo embarrassed looking into her tired teary eyes after opening the front door.
I knew I would be dead if my mom gets to hear about this. I just count my self lucky for leaving in my own apartment because of college.
Well, I just have to make it up to her. After helping Mandy unpack, we went for a walk in the hood. I knew she was tired but girl needs some cool breeze.
Did I mention her luggage was full of interesting stuff.
Well yeah she brought cookies, golden tree chocolate (the best),cerelac, milo and a whole lost of stuff you would get at the afro mart at a a higher rate.
I'm a journalism student yeah . Twenty years of age, very energetic unlike Mandy 🤭. I love to chill, attend parties and do all the crazy stuff uk. That's how come  I forgot to pick Mandy up.


As an african, I knew i had to wake  up an hour or two before the original time in order to be on time which I know for sure that I wont
Its 6:45am, dragging myself to the bathroom I grabbed my toiletries along. After brushing my teeth I hopped into the shower and had a bath. Damn I'm soo tired , felt like sleeping for an hour or two . Pulling myself together I completed my bath and went back to my room to dress up. I was contemplating on what to wear on my first day and that was when Mel came in.
Hey boo.. You are up already. I came in to wake your sleepy ass up.
Well guess I beat you up with that . Im done with my bath , just thinking of what to wear.
When you have me around there's nothing to worry about.
I laughed as Mel went through my stuff and picked up jeans with a relatively short crochet top.
Mel I'm not wearing that. Its too revealing.
What are you hiding from the world Mandy? You have an amazing body,be proud of that thick african meat.
With that Mel placed the combo set she picked out for me on my bed and walked out. 
She wasn't lying I looked good in it . I tired my braids into a bun ,did my edges which I was bad at but I guess I'm improving . Im not really into make up so  I finished it off with a little lipgloss.
I grabbed my bag and went downstairs for breakfast. Mel had already made some bread toast with orange juice . Whiles eating,Mel came downstairs in a fitted above knee dress,her hair styled down.
Girl looked good. She also has a good body.  After complimenting each other we left in Mel's car.
It was a 45min drive afterwhich we pulled up in the parking lot.
We both got out and headed to the reception for our schedules. The receptionist was quite annoying and didn't seem pleased with us but we cared less.
We were directed to the auditorium were freshers' orientation was ongoing.
Did I mention we were an hour late . So yeah we got to school around 9:25am.
We sat in few of the available seats at the back listening to a woman who I think is th Dean of students talk.
After the orientation which ended at 12:00 .I checked my schedule and realized I had a class at 1:30. Mel didn't seem to have a class today meaning I had to get home on my own because she had a work shift around 3:00.
We parted ways. I had to find my class which was introduction to nursing.
Unaware of the venue , I kept on looking at the tags on the front door. Luckily  I met a lady about my age or younger who noticed me in my dilemma and offered to help.
Interestingly we were heading towards the same class.
I later learned her name was Brittany.
Class ended quite early since it was the first day. Brit and I exchanged contacts and headed our separate ways.
I decided to look for a job since i had much time today.
Sitting in the cafeteria I scrolled through my phone and after a few searches I found an immediate vacant slot as a waitress in a café 5minutes away from my college.
I got the chance to speak to the employer and he asked if i was ready to start immediately.
Having nothing doing,I hailed a cab and got to the café. Its a large café with lots of people. After speaking with the cashier,I was sent to the managers office. The Manager  looked like he was in his mid fifties. After asking for my personal details and other relevant stuff he offered me the job. To say I was happy is an understatement. Well I got my uniform    which was a dress,a shirt which can be worn with a skirt or normal jeans.
I was already in jeans soo I put my shirt on,was quite tight but worth managing. I wore my apron and proceeded to take my first order which was on table 11.

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