..... OBSESSION.....

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Waking up late seems to be a thing now. I quickly took my bath , dressed and hurriedly run down the stairs . Mel doesn't have a lecture till afternoon and that explained why she was still sprawled up on the couch watching a reality show. Just grabbing an apple I left assuring Mel I would be back earlier than yesterday.
Upon arrival, I quickly grabbed my bag and hurriedly made my way towards lecture theatre four. Whiles walking someone called me from behind. Turning I realized it was Brittany, the sweet girl from yesterday. Standing by her was none another than the guy with the blue eyes from the café.“ We met again”, Brit said whiles smiling. Yeah we did, I guess we are late since its 30mins past time.
"I guess so", Brit replied. Anyways meet my big brother Deavan.
I was surprised but didn't show it. As  Brittany did the introductions, I couldn't help but notice some resemblance between these two. Unlike Deavan, Brit had dazzling green eyes. I could feel Deavan's  blue orbs piercing through my soul.
Brit hugged her brother and we both left for class. As expected we were late but lucky to be on time before the surprise quiz begun.
After class , Brittany and I went to the cafeteria for some snacks and got to know each other better. About 11:00 she had to leave for her next class. Sitting alone in the cafeteria waiting for my last class which was around 12:30 to commence , I unknowingly made eye contact with him. I quickly drew my gaze from his direction looking elsewhere. Luckily Mel was coming towards me in all her glory. Mel literally saved me .

Brit is my younger sister and also a freshman at my college. I on the other hand , a senior year student eager to graduate. We both got on campus quite late, was partly my fault because I couldn't find my keys. Anyways as we were walking through the hallways, Brit started calling a dark skinned lady at the other end if the hallway. I immediately recognized her as the girl from the café as soon as she turned around. I watched as she gracefully walked towards us. She looked good in her knee length sundress. Brit did the introductions as I continued staring at the lady. I got to know her name was Mandy.
After lectures I went to the cafeteria for some snacks and there was Mandy sitting alone at her table.
I was contemplating on whether to walk over or not until she caught me staring. Another dark skinned girl called out her name whiles walking towards her. Leaving the cafeteria I couldn't stop thinking about Mandy.
What the hell was wrong with me, I'm not the type to be obsessed over women. Its always been the other way round.

After class, I met my brother at the parking lot.“ How's your day been Brit”, Deavan asked. It's been quite tiring but worthwhile. How long have you and Mandy known each other Brit? Urmmm  we met yesterday, she looked lost as she walked through the hallway. I noticed her and decided to help. Fortunately we  both had the same lecture session.
Why do you ask though? Nothing , I was  just wondering where you guys knew each other from uk, If she was from your high school or somewhere else.
I knew my brother. He's a player with a reputation of attracting girls with his looks. Get your eyes off Mandy understood.
He smirked whiles pulling out of the parking lot.

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