..... CONTACT.....

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My first order came in and it was from table number 11 . I got there and took the order without making eye contact with the customer. Returning with his iced tea he murmured a thank you in a thick accent. Glancing at him  I made contact with a pair of beautiful sparkling blue eyes. I kept on staring until a smirk formed on his lips, that was when I pulled myself together and left his sight .
My shift ended at 7:00pm. Scrolling through my phone I realized I had missed calls from both mom and Mel. I quickly called Mel first , told her everything about my new job and how sorry I was for not letting her know . I then called my momma . We had a good chat about school and my new job. Hanging up I headed home in a cab. Paying for the fare I knew I would be broke soon.

    DEAVAN'S P. O. V

Entering my favourite café in town I made my way towards my favourite spot which happens to be table 11. For some reason anytime I get here its vacant.As usual a waitress came over as soon as I settled in. I don't really pay attention to the waitresses that take my orders but this particular one was different.Aside her charming beauty, there was something else about her I couldn't point a finger on . Whatever it was I just couldn't resist.
She looked shy and quite young
I haven't been interested in black girls before but this particular one is luring me to.

MEL'S  P. O. V
I have been so worried , Mandy isn't picking up my calls and its already getting dark. My shift at the library ended an hour ago so I drove to get some groceries from the grocery store nearby. Packing my bags into the car , I got a call from Mandy making my sigh in relief.

Me: Girrlll you got me scared. Where have you been all along. I have been trying to get in touch with you .

Mandy: I'm sorry Mel, my session ended an quite earlier than expected. I was sitting in the cafeteria scrolling through my phone and I decided to search for job vacancies

Me: Why so soon. You have barely rested Mandy

Mandy: Im okay Mel, I can't watch you pay the  bills alone . I've got thus okayy

Me:Okayy I'll be home soon to hear more about this new job. I'm proud of you sissy

Mandy:Bye sissy🥰😘


Getting home ,I dropped down on the couch. I was extremely exhausted . I checked my schedule again and realized I had a morning lecture at 9:00. I had no other option than to drag myself upstairs for a bath. Whiles bathing I heard Mel pull up in the driveway. “Mandy I'm back”, Mel shouted. "I'm coming ”, I  said whiles descending the stairs I'm my PJ's.
We both made our way to the kitchen for supper whiles chitchatting about how our day went.

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