The Base

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For @zelda_story_teller

Got her some AI armor! I know this is more Storm Trooper Esq, but just imagine it as clone armor. And for those wondering how I know so much about guns, I've grown up hunting.


"I get my own armor?!"

Althea held the armor Hunter gave her in her arms. She and the squad were back in the Marauder, heading to their next destination.

Hunter chuckled at her excitement. "Yes. You've learned how to shoot, but that won't do anything to protect you in battle. You need armor, just in case you get hit. Even some Jedi wear clone armor."

Althea grinned. "Thank you."

Hunter patted her shoulder. "You're welcome. Go try it on."

Althea was still grinning when she went into the refresher to change. Hunter felt himself smiling, that was until Crosshair spoke up. "You're getting attached." He said.

Hunter didn't say anything, so the sniper continued. "What are you going to do when she doesn't find her brother? Or finds him...not the way she expected."

Hunter kept his gaze on his boots. It wasn't a secret that everyone except Althea had expressed some concern about her brother being gone. And while none of them wanted to scare the girl, they couldn't just let her go unaware of the possibilities.

"You need to tell her." Crosshair said. He walked away into the cockpit, leaving Hunter alone. Wrecker sat in one of the console chairs.

"You don't think her brother is actually..." He trailed off, leaving his sentance to be finished.

Hunter looked at him. "We don't know what's happened to him, but we need to be prepared."

Wrecker nodded. Before any of them could discuss it more, Althea re-entered the hull. "Well, how's it look?" She asked.

The armor was especially made for her size, but it still hung off her shoulders loosely. The white of the armor contrasted heavily against her dark hair, and made her eyes look pale.

Hunter smiled. "A little big. But it'll get the job done."

Althea adjusted the belt. "How come they didn't give me a helmet?"

"Don't know." The sergeant told her. "The Kaminoans aren't exactly the most forthcoming people." He remembered all the times Tech asked why they did something as cadets, earning annoyed looks from the scientists.

Althea shrugged. "I'm gonna show Tech and Crosshair." She ran off into the cockpit and soon after, Tech called Hunter in.

"Hunter," He said. "I've located the Separatist ship."

The sergeant walked into the cockpit, Wrecker not far behind. "Where?"

"The planet Ackron." Tech answered. "They have a base of operations there. It's small, and it looks as if it is the main source of intel."

Hunter hummed in thought. "Might as well take the whole thing. If we could get all of their intel, it might be enough to actually put a dent in their army."

"What about the kid?" Crosshair asked.

Althea frowned from where she sat next to him. "I'm right here, you know."

Hunter frowned. They needed to complete the mission, but they also needed to keep Althea safe. The sergeant knew that the girl would do anything to find her brother. After all, he would do the same if the Separatists had anyone of his squad. There would be no keeping Althea away from the danger. "She came come."

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