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As more people filtered into the Biersack household, Ashley glued himself to my side. It was strange considering he was on the border line of treating me like a stranger. I understood his hesitance to actually speak to me though. I was a one-night stand that had over stayed her welcome. What could we possibly say to each other?

"Mads," Morgan called from somewhere in the kitchen. It was hard to spot her blonde hair over the mass of women who had squeezed themselves into the tiny room. "I'm next to the fridge!"

Finding her, she handed me a bowl of salad and some fruit to cut up, directing me to put on the dinner table once I was finished. Half of these people gave me birth as I passed them but some, like Alison and Andy, gave me a look that could kill. It was pretty clear that my relationship with Ashley had spread rather quickly.

Once I was in the kitchen that connected to the living room Ashley was once again at my side, this time with a full beer. He sipped and chatted aimlessly as I cut.

"I had two dogs but Alison took one and the other died," He said when I mentioned the dog beds I had seen. "Old age." He added at my confused face.

"I had a dog as a kid but it went crazy and tried to bite my dad." I offered lamely.


"I guess. I'm not much of an animal person. They seem to hate me." My thoughts wandered to Fred's cat, Deadpool, who hissed and clawed at me whenever I tried to sit on the couch. Fred said something along the lines of him being protective of his spot but I figured the feline just hated me for no real reason.

"They must sense something."

I snorted, "Yeah, my need to cuddle them to death."

Ashley actually laughed. I felt proud of myself. We fell into a relaxed silence and something must've changed between us because he began to act, dare I say it, playful. I'd cut the fruit and he'd try to snatch one away. If he was successful, he'd raise an eyebrow and smirk at me as he popped the treat between his lips. I'd laugh and he'd poke me in the side.

"I said cut  the fruit not eat  all of it," Morgan stressed, wheeling towards us and smacking Ashley in the stomach. "Go away!"

"Oh come on, Morgs." He begged. He even gave her the puppy dog look.

She didn't seem to be affected and gave him a blank look, "Go. Away."

"It seems that she's trying to tear us apart." Ashley said dryly, pushing himself away from me.

I dramatically held my chest, "Oh, how will I ever deal with the pain?"

Morgan pointed at the living room.  Ashley snorted and took his leave. Morgan turned to me and gave me a look that I couldn't understand; a mix between respect and confusion. But it was gone in a flash and she was wheeling off to yell at some other poor soul who couldn't marinate the chicken right. In no time I had my salad and fruit cut up, placed on the kitchen table, and found Ashley laying on the couch.

He spotted me coming and sat up, giving me the extra space, "Having fun?"

"Is Morgan always this stressed?" I asked, stealing his beer to take a sip. He didn't seem to mind.

"Only because Andy won't let her cuddle the kids," He pointed to where Andy was standing with both babies in his arms. "She wants to show them off but he doesn't know if she's stable or not."

"She is."

"We all know that," He gave his friend a pitying look. "He doesn't. He worries about her too much."

We sat in silence, people watching. Andy hovered over who ever held a baby. Jinxx was constantly letting little Jeremy to run off and Alison would march towards him with the mischievous child in her arms. Morgan got to hold Nick before an older version of Morgan swooped in and stole him. It made me antsy to see so many children in one place; I was never one who liked kids. They practically stole your life.

I caught sight of a blonde who was standing awkwardly against the wall, holding a beer and peeling at the label. She looked like utter shit, her hair in disarray and purple circles under her eyes. Ashley saw her at the same time and before I knew it, he was striding across the room to hug her.

"That's Cassandra," Jinxx said, sitting beside me and stretching his legs. Jeremy was in his lap, gurgling and slapping at his feet. "Lexi's best friend."

I picked at my fingers, "What was she . . . like?" Was that okay to ask?

"Lexi was amazing," Jinxx admitted with a hint of sadness. "I remember the day they met, God that was hilarious. He called her out in the middle of Warped tour and she was screaming and fighting him." He snorted.

"Why was she screaming?"

"Oh, she hated him. Something about being a caveman or something," He waved it off and Jeremy chased after his hand. "They were a good couple. Worked good together." He finished lamely.

"Oh." I faced Cassandra and Ashley. She wasn't saying anything and Ashley was brushing back her hair. It was sibling like almost.

"Cassandra took it the hardest though," Jinxx continued, his eyes sad. "She lost her two best friends with five months of each other. That had it to take it's toll."

My gut clenched. I couldn't imagine loosing Fred and Kenzi in the same year. It would destroy me. I had the utmost respect for this chick.

I could only watch as Ashley led Cassandra out of Morgan's house, leaving me to sit alone. He never came back in.

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