Define Fun

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Cigarette packs and empty bottles of liquor lined the floors of Ashley's two bedroom house. The hallway leading to the living room was bare of photos, practically impersonal. If I hadn't known better I wouldn't think anyone lived in the house. There was a couch, a TV, and a table. That was it. I spotted a dog bed but I couldn't hear any dogs. I checked the fridge for food so I could make something to eat but there was only take out Chinese food. Sighing, I looked around the barren house.

How could someone live like this?

I headed back to the bedroom. Ashley was awake, leaning agianst the headboard and lighting up a cigarette. He tossed the box and light to the floor, turning to stare at me. I hesitated in the doorway before crawling onto the bed, taking his cigarette out of his mouth so I could take a hit before giving it back.

"Do you mind giving me a ride home?" I asked softly, leaning against my arm.

He shrugged, "Sure."


I laid on my back, taking in the room. It was as plain as the rest of the house, just the bed, a night stand, and a closet straight ahead. Half of it was empty, I noticed, the other side organized. Breaking the silence, Ashley's phone rang. He briefly glanced at it before sighing and clicking accept.

"I'm alive so leave me alone." He said rudely.

I tuned out the rest of the conversation deciding now was the time to grab my clothes. His friends must care a lot to go to that party with him last night and to call in the morning. I tossed his shirt back onto the bed, slipping my bra on, and caught sight of one lone picture frame on his dresser. I inspected it, easily identfying Ashley in the center.

To his left was the couple from the party last night, however inside of being skinny as hell, Alison had a large round stomach, smiling boldly for the picture. Beside Alison was another blonde wearing a white dress, her head resting on a taller man's chest, their fingers entwined. Then, beside Ashley, with his arm wrapped around her waist, was a beautiful brunette. I immediately knew that she was Ashley's dead girlfriend.

She had long brown hair and soft blue eyes, her pale lips upturned in a toothless smile. She seemed awkward in the picture, her hand also wrapped around Ashley's waist as she posed.

Ashley looked completely different as well. He looked healthy in that picture with long black hair, painted nails, and a clean shaven face. The Ashley laying in bed, talking crudely to the person on the phone, had a beard, his skin pale and sunken into. I glanced at the man, taking in how skinny he was compared to the picture.

He sighed and tossed his phone onto his bed, groaning and raising him arms in a stretch. The question burned at the tip of my tongue, yearning to know her name and what happened, but it wasn't the time or the place. So, I dropped my gaze, tugged on my dress, and crawled back onto the bed.

"Let's get some Starbucks on the way to your place," Ashley said, not giving me the oppurtinuty to speak. The moment my knees touched the bed he tossed the blankets aside, standing in all his naked glory. Just as fast as he'd stood, he'd grabbed a pair of jeans and tugged them on blindly. "I need something to wake me up."

"You need fruit to help with the drugs."

He froze, shirt half on, "What?"

"I know you took something last night," I admitted. He turned to face me, his face stoic. "Fruit helps you get over the aftermath of drugs."

"I'm fine."

Without thinking, I reached forward and poked his horribly skinny stomach. It made me cringe at how unhealthy he looked, the affects of drinking and whatever he took.

"You need to eat."

He scowled but said nothing else, finally putting his shirt on. Expecting me to follow, Ashley led the way to his truck. It was silent as he drove, and I fought the smile growing when he parked at the Starbucks. He paid for both of us, getting venti lattes and a banana - which he bitterly bit into as he stared me down. I just winked and sipped on my coffee, happy that I could at least help him with something.

"How old are you?" Ashley suddenly asked. "I probably should've asked last night."

"Don't worry, I'm legal," I guess I should be flattered he thought I was under eighteen. "I'm twenty nine."

"Thirty," He went to put down the half eaten banana, which I glared at, and he made a show of taking a huge bite. "You're controlling."

"Just making sure you're getting all the chemicals out of you, or, what we can get rid of at least."

He didn't look happy at the thought. I hope he wasn't trying to kill himself from all the drugs. He seemed at the point of doing it, honestly.

"Ashley?" We looked over to see a blonde at the cashier - the same blonde from the party last night. She was dressed in sweats, a black tank top, and a eight month old baby at her hip.

"Fuck," Ashley closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Alison."

Alison scowled, "What are you doing?" It didn't need to be said; her eyes drifted towards my face. 'With her?' hung silently in the air. "You're supposed to be at Andy's now."

"I don't feel like being around them right now."

"Suck it up you douche," Alison said as her name was called. "Drop her off and get your ass over to their house."

She grabbed her drink, glaring at Ashley as she stalked out of the shop. I awkwardly toyed with my cup; Alison sure knew how to make a person motivated. My coffee partner stood, tossed his banana, and led me to his truck.

"How do you feel about meeting my parol officers?" Ashley offered.

I grinned, "Sounds like fun."

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